Friday, May 20, 2011

Sunday, November 27 through Saturday, December 3.

Sunday, November 27 at home all day.  To Christian church in evening with AA.  Jess and Mrs. Boals sat in front of us.  AA to 1st ME this a.m. and got lost on the way home.  EF Hagerman at 1st ME, with George.  Read in a book Jess brought me "The Hollands" by Virginia Townsend.  Rainy day.

Monday 28.  Up at 8:30.  Down after 10.  Made applesauce.  Got dinner.  Took Christmas offering envelopes to Mrs. Wadsworth, Mrs. Boughton, Mrs. Butterfield, Mrs. Burkholder and Lona.  Found only Mrs. W. and Mrs. Burke at home.  Stopped at Ede's a while, also at Ralph's store, Edna not there.  Got camphor there and groceries at Kroger's.  Met Francis coming from school, also Eleanor and Dorothy.  Visited with Berkie awhile.  Mabel and Edna here.  Mabel gave me another $10.  Called up a lot of people both this p.m. and evening.  Mrs. Frizzell and my group members.  Mrs. Talbot called me this a.m. about gifts for a Christmas box to some children.  So had to call my group about it.  Anna and Lizzie both called.  Elizabeth's birthday, and Lizzie had taken flowers up to the cemetery.  Raining hard at 10:30 p.m.  Rainy day – letter from Ad, sending Dana's to her.  A good letter.

Tuesday – up at 9 – Uptown and to Jess's – dinner at 12 – To Wins office at 1:30 to get her pass to go to Fred's – there till 4:30, at Roses about 15 min.  Home a little after 5.  Letter from Mrs. Edmonds with money order for $7.50.

Wednesday, November 30 rained all day.  Jess came this way on her way to Harriett Clark's to the aid meeting to borrow some buttons for and apron she was making.  I to Gugler's in evening with her to price the bazaar things.  Mrs. Wadsworth the only other one there.  Turned to sleet.  Letter from Tressa with one and closed from Mrs. Grafton.

Thursday.  Much colder.  Wrote birthday letter to Lois and sent Dana's letter that Ad sent me.  Ede came just as I finished washing dinner dishes, and stayed till AA and I went to Missionary.  Paid gas and electric.  Ethel came, after AA had gone to bed to bring Christmas cards I ordered.

Friday -- Sick in night stomach & asthma & headache – so lay awake quite a while, then slept till 9:30, sickish till after noon.  Ede came at 2:00 to go to Bazaar.  A.A. also went.  Got flyswatter and holder $.65 also Christmas cards $.35 at $.10 store.  Would like to have been able to go and help at bazaar.  AA told me at noon that I was getting so cranky about things.  I told her I'd rather get dinner myself and she was miffed quite a little, but O! how I wish she did not want to help and bother so, and wipe the windows right over the cooking all the time or be washing her teeth at the spigot when I want that or in front of the cabinet when I want that.

Saturday Dec. 3. Lois' birthday 31.  Cold.  Ed Hagerman called me out of bed to so say that he was starting for Columbus with Clarence and Fanny.  C. lectured at the Congregational church to the University club last night.  Uptown after groceries this a.m. Helen Light came with a letter from Mrs. Lewis telling of Grace's marriage Nov. 15.  Helen stayed quite a while.  Esther came while she was here.  I went uptown with Esther when she went home and went to the church to see how things were selling.  Came home at 4:30 and found Lizzie and Audrey here.  Tried Audrey's dress, she looks nice and it.  Eva Charles here for Evening.  Jess called a little after 9 to tell me they made $160 at our booth.  Div. A.  and about $80 from the supper served by all, so we will have over $175 was some things left that did not sell to help in the Easter Bazaar.  Wrote to Mrs. Lewis. Letter from Anna Gollladay.  Second one since she went home three months ago.

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