Friday, May 27, 2011

Sun. Dec. 4. Thru Sat. 11, 1927

Sun. 4  .  To 1st ME at 10:30.  Cold.  AA worried me so about the dinner, but she will be in the kitchen all the time I am there and runs around all the time I cook.  To Jesses for an hour or so in p.m. and to church with AA and Eva at Christian church in evening.  Florence Ohl and her hubby there.  Not feeling a bit good about my heart. 

Monday 5, warmer.  A little.  Uptown to mail letter and got can of Herno.  Did not have pocketbook along when I went to pay for it, so had to come home for it.  Made swiss steak for dinner.  A.A. bound to help all the time.  I made 4 quilt blocks for Pavonia comforter, and took them to Jesses for Emma to take home with her.  Had a nice little visit with Emma and the little ones.  A.A. up to market while  I was gone and got some hominy when I had just made a lot of mush, and some bacon when we had some then lost her pocketbook and went back to hunt it, but did not find it.  Poor old body she is not fit to do such things.  I do not know how much money she lost.  Neither does she.  After supper about 7:00 Lizzie came as Win came to Wigle's to get her hair curled.  Dick brought them down and was to come for them, but had come at nine o'clock, so thay started.  Sick with my heart again -- miserable.

Tues -- sick with heart when I wakened at 5.  Slept no more.  A.A. came in nearly 10, but did not stay. I got up with an effort & tried to get Esther, Anna, Ede, and Jess.  Got Jess and told her to try Esther, then I tried again all round and got Anna and told I'd have to go somewhere where I could lie still for a few days and rest my heart.  She and Esther conferred together, then Ed and Anna came at 1:30 and brought me to Esther's where I went to bed, I called Dr. Shafer about 11, but he did not come until after 12:30.  Jess came about 2 for a minute.

Wed. Dec.7  Slept pretty well, with my nerve medicine and slept a couple of hours in p.m. while Esther was at general aid -- Ethel out to dedication of Weller junior high with Ed and Anna this evening.  I feel better this evening than I did this a.m.  Rained nearly all day.  Colder tonight.  Cannot write well in bed, in bed all day.

Thursday got up before noon.  Feel pretty sick and weak, lay on couch all day.

Friday, Sat., Sun.  About the same old thing, but improving some.  Ed, Anna and Ralph out on the YMCA drive all week.  Ralph year for supper, but at YMCA for dinner every day.  We sat up until 10:30.  Listening to radio.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Sunday, November 27 through Saturday, December 3.

Sunday, November 27 at home all day.  To Christian church in evening with AA.  Jess and Mrs. Boals sat in front of us.  AA to 1st ME this a.m. and got lost on the way home.  EF Hagerman at 1st ME, with George.  Read in a book Jess brought me "The Hollands" by Virginia Townsend.  Rainy day.

Monday 28.  Up at 8:30.  Down after 10.  Made applesauce.  Got dinner.  Took Christmas offering envelopes to Mrs. Wadsworth, Mrs. Boughton, Mrs. Butterfield, Mrs. Burkholder and Lona.  Found only Mrs. W. and Mrs. Burke at home.  Stopped at Ede's a while, also at Ralph's store, Edna not there.  Got camphor there and groceries at Kroger's.  Met Francis coming from school, also Eleanor and Dorothy.  Visited with Berkie awhile.  Mabel and Edna here.  Mabel gave me another $10.  Called up a lot of people both this p.m. and evening.  Mrs. Frizzell and my group members.  Mrs. Talbot called me this a.m. about gifts for a Christmas box to some children.  So had to call my group about it.  Anna and Lizzie both called.  Elizabeth's birthday, and Lizzie had taken flowers up to the cemetery.  Raining hard at 10:30 p.m.  Rainy day – letter from Ad, sending Dana's to her.  A good letter.

Tuesday – up at 9 – Uptown and to Jess's – dinner at 12 – To Wins office at 1:30 to get her pass to go to Fred's – there till 4:30, at Roses about 15 min.  Home a little after 5.  Letter from Mrs. Edmonds with money order for $7.50.

Wednesday, November 30 rained all day.  Jess came this way on her way to Harriett Clark's to the aid meeting to borrow some buttons for and apron she was making.  I to Gugler's in evening with her to price the bazaar things.  Mrs. Wadsworth the only other one there.  Turned to sleet.  Letter from Tressa with one and closed from Mrs. Grafton.

Thursday.  Much colder.  Wrote birthday letter to Lois and sent Dana's letter that Ad sent me.  Ede came just as I finished washing dinner dishes, and stayed till AA and I went to Missionary.  Paid gas and electric.  Ethel came, after AA had gone to bed to bring Christmas cards I ordered.

Friday -- Sick in night stomach & asthma & headache – so lay awake quite a while, then slept till 9:30, sickish till after noon.  Ede came at 2:00 to go to Bazaar.  A.A. also went.  Got flyswatter and holder $.65 also Christmas cards $.35 at $.10 store.  Would like to have been able to go and help at bazaar.  AA told me at noon that I was getting so cranky about things.  I told her I'd rather get dinner myself and she was miffed quite a little, but O! how I wish she did not want to help and bother so, and wipe the windows right over the cooking all the time or be washing her teeth at the spigot when I want that or in front of the cabinet when I want that.

Saturday Dec. 3. Lois' birthday 31.  Cold.  Ed Hagerman called me out of bed to so say that he was starting for Columbus with Clarence and Fanny.  C. lectured at the Congregational church to the University club last night.  Uptown after groceries this a.m. Helen Light came with a letter from Mrs. Lewis telling of Grace's marriage Nov. 15.  Helen stayed quite a while.  Esther came while she was here.  I went uptown with Esther when she went home and went to the church to see how things were selling.  Came home at 4:30 and found Lizzie and Audrey here.  Tried Audrey's dress, she looks nice and it.  Eva Charles here for Evening.  Jess called a little after 9 to tell me they made $160 at our booth.  Div. A.  and about $80 from the supper served by all, so we will have over $175 was some things left that did not sell to help in the Easter Bazaar.  Wrote to Mrs. Lewis. Letter from Anna Gollladay.  Second one since she went home three months ago.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Nov. 20 - 26, 1927

Sunday, November 20 warmer am glad of it.  To 1st ME with AA.  Thank offering for WHMS gave one dollar – wore new hat – home – got dinner – slept an hour or more and felt miserable for it.  Rather a lonesome day – had nothing of interest to read – Jess called toward evening to see where I was going to church – AA and I to Christian church in evening – Ede and Hadley there [illegible] evening, till after 10 – have had no ambition all day.  Read nothing but the "News" and do not get much profit from that.  Two good sermons to think of, but my thinker no good tonight.

Monday got ready for Will Baker to paper the dining room ceiling as he had promised to do today, but as he was not here at 10 o'clock I went to Jesses to take all home her pie pan and got my Plain Dealer's and show her the dress Martha sent for Audrey & which I had on.  She brought out an old jacket suit she wants made into a dress.  If she were only as easy to suit as the other people.  I would not care, but oh! how I dread to help her, she is so particular.  I told her so and she said she wasn't, and seemed sold to think that I thot so.  She's like Ethel so afraid it will not look just right.  When I came home Will Baker was here to look things over and will come tomorrow.  Worked on Audrey's dress and she came a little after four to see about it.  When I went down with her  Mabel and Edna were here.  Win here a little while to bring records she had.  Wrote to Bess and worked on Audrey's dress.  Lots warmer.

Tuesday, November 22  Will B came about 9.  Got the ceiling on and plastered the bathroom, ready for painting.  I sewed a while on Audrey's dress, then got dinner and after dinner cleaned the dining room.  AA beat the rugs poor old lady!  Perhaps I should have helped her, but I thought she was as able as I perhaps.  She was too tired to try to help with the rest of the cleaning.  When I finished cleaning I sewed on Audrey stress until Esther came with hat stuff about 4, then got supper and wrote another sheet to Bess as I failed to get the letter mailed today.  Will put one coat of paint on the bathroom – Mrs. Gugler her came for me to mark the apron for embroidery.  Ede tried to get me to but someone took down the receiver every time before I got here.  Ate too much supper.

Wed.  Was quite sick last night with my heart until after midnight, then slept till morning, but was sick again when I got up.  Not able to go to Frances' wedding, real sick all day with heart.  Did nothing but sit around, talk on phone and get dinner for AA and me and not eat much myself.  Went up to P.O. to mail Bess' letter and wanted to take library books back was not able for the elevation.  Went to market for meat -- soup bone -- bread, oranges and sugar.  Letter from Marce in p.m.  Answered right away and sent for Dorothy to take it to
P.O. and to take the books to the library gave her my old umbrella.

Nov. 24 Thanksgiving -- Sslept pretty well and was better until after dinner then was miserable for an hour or so, and again at five o'clock, so sent for Dr. Shafer on the spur of the moment he came right over and seemed very nice.  Gave me three kinds of medicine and told me that if I got sick again to "yell" and he'd come right over. $2 for the call.  AA to girls for Thanksgiving dinner, Hazel came for her at 11:15.   She did not get it into her head that this was the day she was going until she went to Charles about 10, and they said something about it, then she came hurrying home and asked me why I had not told her it was Thursday when she was thinking it was Tuesday.  I had told her a couple of times that it was Thanksgiving.  Once when she was looking for mail and again when she wanted to go uptown to get it corset, but I never thought that she did not realize it.  Poor old lady!  Wrote to Ad and Dr. Shafer mailed it for me.

Friday got up at 830 – Jess called soon – also Lizzie – went down to breakfast & Grace called me up, then Mrs. Gugler called me down and seemed pleased that their Dr. have helped me.  Then, Sarah Scott called me up again.  Called Jess to bring me a loaf of bread – she brought it at 4:00.   Had been to Guglers she said.  Mrs. G. calls me "Tat" and told her that Aunt Lou had talked very nice to her about me.  "The Bunch" was at Sidney's for Thanksgiving dinner.  Mrs. G told me all about it this a.m.  Rena Simmons here to see AA, then George and Clarence Simmons came on their way from the Bell ringers concert at 1st M. E. I'd like to go tonight, but am trying to be sensible.  Am lots better today and want to stay that way.  Mrs. Burkholder here at 6:45 to take my concert ticket for another woman.  I'm so glad she sold it.  AA ready for bed when she came and went soon after, before seven.  Came in here a while & sat to tell me things.  After she had gone to bed, about 7:30 Florence Hughes called to know whether I would like to go to the concert on her ticket and said George would come after me, I was glad as I felt able enough, only the walk up there, Miner & Mae along concert fine.

Saturday, November 26 – got up about 9.  Slept more hours than for a long time, breakfast, about 10 dinner  about 12:30.  I slept a little while in my chair after dinner, Jess came with some books – for some thing of mine to read.  Esther came while she was here and brought me a good pair of Mary's shoes -- black suede – just about my size, needed them.   AA and got to Finefrocks opening at 6:30, everything fine.  Ede and Hadley home with us – cut his hair.  The Elmer Charles to see AA.

Nov 13 - 19, 1927

Sun. Nov. 13.  A.A. and I to 1st M. E. Her first trip since her sickness.  Seemed to stand the walk fairly well.  She started home with Summers' to go there for dinner, so I went with Esther.  Ethel home with me at 6 to go to Christian church.  A.A. not here when we got here, but soon came with Eva to go to church with her.  Had not gone home with Summers' after all.  She had a box of candy, special delivery from Artie Dickson.  I spoke to Edna yesterday about conditions here & wanted to get an understanding of what they intend to do.  She seems to think A.A. could do about as well as she ever did, but I'd like to have them take her home with them for a few days and let them see how things are.  My time is worth something.

Mon.  Cleaned my room.  Re-potted plants.  Slept a while.  Read Sunday's News.  Went to P. O. to mail Rachel's letter and get some stamps.  Had sausage for dinner and it made me kind of sick all p.m.  Jess came while I was eating supper and spent the evening.  She has made her will – I ought to.  Ede called and is sick again, thinks her blood pressure up.

Tues. 15.  Began to make black velvet hat with gold lace on it.  Mabel and Edna came – Mabel came upstairs to talk to me about conditions and offered me $5.00 per week to be here and to the buying – what cooking A.A. will let me do and be general overseer.  Rained all evening.  They came just as dinner was about ready and just after they left Mrs. Gugler came with the quilt that Mrs. Crowell wants quilted and that Jess and I are to mark. I gave her the apron I made – yellow and blue – so we had a late dinner.  Mrs. Harriet Princeborn came with the Thank offering envelopes for my group – got my hat, put together and wore it to Jesses at six for her inspection.  We marked the quilt.  Finished about 9, hard work.

Wed.  Rained all day to Lona's all day to quilt.  Mrs. Dickie Cummings, Shook, Keffer,  Metcalf, Lona, Jess and myself – Jess and I stayed an hour after the others left 6:30 and finished it.  I brought it home to bind.  I came home at noon to see how things were going.   AA got only toast and orange for both dinner and supper.  I'll have to cook up something good tomorrow for her. 

Thurs. Snowy, snowed nearly all day.  Not cold.  Uptown to get meat and to look at bargains, but did not get any as was too late – called Anna and Esther and Mrs. Bircky, Edie, and Jess and Sarah Scott and Grace called. Deposit $20 and talked to Fuchs about the $10 drawn out of my account that I can't understand.  Bound the quilt.   Did not finish until nearly 10 o'clock.  Then wrote a birthday letter to Tressa.  AA swept the walk several times, but it's good for her to get out.

Friday, Nov. 18.  Ice and snow all over.  To P.O. with letter got 15 stamps. Went to Mrs. Wadworth's with her Thank offering envelopes.  Cooked beans for tomorrow.  Made applestew.  Ede came after dinner.  Stayed while I worked at my hat until three then went uptown and looked a lot of stores over, bought to bought $.10 worth of peanuts and some rubber beads.  Met Chloe Styert in 10 cent store.  She is sick.  Marse sent a box with a dress for Audrey, a good hat, but too small for me or Audrey or her [illegible] – two pairs of silk hose for me – used ones.  A pillow top for herself – tapestry – for me to make.  Did not get my hat done, although worked until after 10 on it.  Must finish it tomorrow, but think it will not take long.  Jess called before I went down to breakfast.  AA tried to turn the water off, but couldn't.  Mabel said we should not do it unless it was very cold, but she did it anyway, if it felt frosty, and had a lot of stuff packed around the kitchen door.  I was cross about it as it is so useless, with the felt strip on.  I wish it did not make me feel cross when she monkeys around so.

Saturday 19 Cold and icy.  Swept the downstairs and dust mopped the upstairs.  Went uptown to A&P for groceries -- home past Jesse's for bread and pumpkin pie she had made for me – finished hat.  Mrs. Burkholder here in evening.  Eva Charles to spend evening with AA.  Wrote to Josie Stevenson and to Martha.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Nov 6 - 12, 1927

Sunday 6 - our first winter morning.  Everything frozen.  Icicles on the kitchen all day.  From summer to winter in just a few days time.  Went to 1st ME at 10:30.  AA wanted to go, but was not able when the time came.  I got dinner, played some records, called Ethel to see how her boil was.  We did not get our News, so I went to Hadley's to get theirs.  Marie Green there.  Ede came down at 7 to go to 1st ME with me to a Brotherhood meeting.  Mansfield and Cranier talked on the church "Knocker & Booster", respectively.  Ralph sang in the choir in Milo Patterson's place, both morning and evening.  Had and echo choir.  Talk to Grace just before starting to church.

Monday – Uptown to get bread, butter, milk and meat and to mail 2 letters – AA's and mine.  Swiss steak, potatoes and tomato and lettuce salad – made apple sauce, also – put black sateen top on old net petticoat.  AA so childish and weak minded worse everyday.

Tuesday, Nov. 8 - Got up quite late – did not do much but doll up ready to go to Luella's in p.m..  Jess came at 1:20 then we went to vote – and on up to Marchant's – Etta, so pretty – Mildred, Fanny Balliet, Anna, Jess and I there.  When Sherman came home he and Lou went to vote.  AA had her supper when I got home at 15 to 5.  I had mine at six got some candy, peanut blossoms, kisses and ate too many.  Letter from MarseAnswered it.  Grace called.

Wed.  Went uptown to library – to pay telephone – to Ethel's office -  to Kroger's - to Jesse's and home at 11:45.  Got dinner for AA and myself.  Had a zigzag headache and slept a while in my chair, then Ede came to get her coat fixed.  Then Jess came to get hers shortened – Edy read Lois',  Marses' and Ad's letters.  Anna called – also Grace to tell me Sidney won in election.  Am glad Brunner did not Win.  Letter from Ad . – Ed is coming in two weeks to marry Frances – Wrote to Miss Hiestand, Mabel & Edna came with hose – petticoat and dust mop for AA's birthday.

Thurs. - Washed – Jess came for me to shorten her dress to fit the shortened coat.  AA began to wash while we were upstairs.  She hung her own clothes up and ironed them in the afternoon.  Clothes did not dry, so had to dry heavy things in-house.  I made and old apron over into a coverall.  Uptown to get cake, porkchops, lettuce for AAs birthday dinner.  All day sewing at Ada's for division E.  Would like to have gone.  Warm day and warmer tonight.  Sarah Scott called.

Friday, Nov. 11,  Armistice parade, but did not go uptown.  I ironed and got birthday dinner for AA.  Tacked weather strips on both outside doors and shaved the door strip off, so the back door would shut.  AA lost the $10 Clyde sent her and I had a great time finding it. She wrote to Clyde to it knowledge it and could not find the address. I found it at last, and addressed the envelope, which she had addressed to Mr. Clyde Clyde - took it to the post office, then went to Jesse's for the Plain Dealer's - stayed a while.  Eva here till 9:30 - I took her home.  Audrey called.  Gugler working on this side their house while I swept the porch and talked and never looked up to speak -  Simpleton – Warm - nice day - window open and no fire.  Dale here with oranges for AA.

 Sat. -  Eva Johnson came before I had Breakfast, so I had none.  She wanted a dress made smaller and shorter.  I want uptown with her to get some apples she left in her basket at the Park grocery intending to bring them to me.  AA put on some beans to cooked and I did not know it, so of course they burned and burned until the house was blue with smoke.  If she could only not do things like that.  The beans gone, the stew pan spoiled, the house stinking of smoke, my time in cleaning things up, the wasted gas, as we had to open up everything, then reheat.  She peel the apples Jess gave me, and I canned two cans.  Sarah and Edna here.  I uptown after dark to get bread and meat.  Wrote to Rachel – talk to Lizzie, Esther, and Rosa also Ede – Franklin women had a bake sale at 3rd St. Market.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Oct. 30 to Nov. 5, 1927

Sunday, October 30 Sadie Dickson called me out of my bed to say Bernice would be after AA at 10:30 to go to dinner with them.  I to first, M.E.  Talk to no one but Mary Mattayaw.  Sat with Esther and Mrs. Boals.  Alone all p.m.  A A home at 4.  Anna called about 4:30 to know if I wanted to take a ride.  They came with Mrs. Baxter, and drove around town for about an hour.  Out to Lincoln Heights, then West.  AA and I to Christian church in the eve.  Dr. Goodnight talked.  President of Bethany College – good.  Began to read "Lost Ecstasy".  Very interesting – read till 12 – warm day.

Monday warm fine day – lengthend and patched Edna's polkadot dress in the a.m. – read a while in the afternoon.  Mrs. Edmonds here to pay rent.  Stayed a while.  Mabel Clingan here with Dorothy's dress goods – blue flannel – Dorothy here after school.  Cut Wins old flowered blue silk down to fit her.  Just called to see if I'd go to see Hunts Halloween, but it makes me so very tired to wander around in a big crowd, so am at home. Later she called again and I went. Sadie Dickson here with candy for AA.  Letter from Lois.

Tuesday, Nov. 1 a beautiful day after a sprinkle in early a.m.  Went to Engwyler's by appointment at 10:30 to have my glasses adjusted.  Got groceries at A&P.  Met J.B. Jones just leaving as I came home, so he came back and stayed about an hour.  Had a good visit.  Dorothy here for dinner and to see about dress, and again after school.  Finished blue silk for her.

Wed. Nov. 2.  Rainy all a.m. Dorothy here to try on dress, which I cut out and fitted.  She stayed for dinner.  I worked all day on it.  She came again after school and took it to see how Mabel liked it.  Ethel Colby with her.  Jess went to Horns this morning with Helen Light and came home with her after school.  She went to see the steam shovel work on the grading of the new Pike in Pavonia.  They are cutting things up something awful.  AA has an awful cold – went to bed at 7:30.  Talk to Jess for 20 min.  Wrote to Mary.  Eva Charles here in p.m.

Thurs Nov. 3  Colder,  cleaned under bed and swept.  To missionary meeting from 3:30 until 5:45.  To library at 7 to return books.  Got "When a Man Mary's"  by Mary Roberts Reinhold.  And "Endicott and I" something on the Jonathan order by Francis Lester Warner.  Letter from Mrs. DeRemer.

Friday 4 – Eleanor's 12th birthday.  First snow, but soon melted.  Up rather late.  Dorothy here before I had my breakfast. Gave her some money to get a present for Eleanor, also, some crêpe paper to make flowers.  Esther and I to Madison theater to see "Ben Hur."  Very good.  I went home with her for some cake.  She said they would not eat.  Ethel about sick with a boil on her neck.  Ralph gets his dinner & supper there and Edna gets hers with her mother.  Ralph not at all well.  Jess here to spend evening.  Went at 8:00.

Sat Nov. 5.  Rainy and snowy all day, rather cold, but no frost yet.  Remarkable.  Cleaned the dining room, kitchen, and bath.  Worked on Dorothy's dress.  Finished it.  The last button having to be sewed on by electricity.  Mabel and Dorothy came for it about 6.  Herman came here for them.  Mabel paid me $1.00 for the cloth dress – have $20 that I hope to bank and can if Wards girls give me anymore for groceries.  Anna called also.  Ede.  They have been out to Ella's all week, but came home this a.m.  Wrote to DeRemer ground covered with snow at bed time (11:30).

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Oct.23 - Oct 29, 1927

Sunday 23 – beautiful, warm day – to 1st ME to hear Jones.  Good talk.  Got breakfast and dinner for AA, but she does not trust me much was trying to get something to eat both at noon and evening and had eaten her supper when I came home a little after 5:30, although she was not hungry, but thought I might not be here.  We do not have supper till 6 other nights.  Went for a lovely ride with Marchants to Shelby, Ontario, then home – Jess along – had trouble and sat on Springmill Street for about an hour.  Did not go to church this evening – AA going to bed at 8:10 – phone rang tonight just as I got downstairs and before I could get it - it stopped.  So provoking, then I called Jess thinking it was she – but could not get her – then called, Lizzie and they had not called.  Win very sick with her regular sickness – Esther and Ethel up there tonight.  Went to mail Em's and Anna Motter's letters at nearly 8:00 and ran across some drunk boys by the Journal office, then when I came back they were out in front of here, quarreling, and I was scared – one of them had his coat off and they were talking so loud.  AA was scared when I came in and I was to for my heart was acting bad – they turned and went up street again as I came in – somebody's boys who should not be doing that way.

Monday – heart bad for part of night and after eating today – was careful what I ate for dinner and supper, so it is much better.  Almost finished making blue and yellow apron for aid society.  This p.m. Win called – Sarah Scott called – I called Jess and Anna.  Mr. Jones called to see me this p.m., but AA was up here and I did not hear him.  He wrote his name on the News, which he found in the door.  Eva and Sadie the here to see AA.

Tue. October 25, fine day uptown to get floss and thread to make aid apron.  Visited the new Mansfield Dry Goods store for the first time since opening.  Edna Ward here when I got back.  Gave me $10 for salary and food buying, but AA stayed right by us to see what was going on, so nothing was said of wages.  Stopped at Jesse's on way home.  She going to Ohl's Golden wedding at Ashland this p.m.  Worked apron, but did not get it done.  Want to send it to the meeting tomorrow.  Mrs. Burkholder and Esther called today while I was downstairs, as most of my calls come lately.  Grace called to tell me Louis Brumfield had left her his 4 books, autographed.  Wrote to Lois tonight.  Esther called tonight to see if I knew how old Arthur Gushard is.

Wed – 26 - uptown to get more floss and bone rings for apron.  Worked all spare time at apron and finished and pressed it by dark.  Expensive apron if one counts time.  Jess called to have me go to hear the boy preacher at Tabernacle.  Wonderful!  Beautiful day.  Letters from Mary and Ad.  Bernice called about 10 to see if I'd go along out to Pavonia tomorrow.  I said "yes".  To Jesses a while before going to church.

Thursday 27 – washed a big wash – AA hung them out and brought them in.  Was very uneasy because she could not help wash.  Ethel called about Christmas cards – then brought book and left it.  I came home from a beautiful drive with Mary and Bernice and found her here.  She was going to the Elks grill to supper with Miss Williams who was entertaining for some one.  I looked over the Christmas card catalog and selected two dollars worth.  Lizzie called and talked over half-hour.  Win and Dick having trouble again.  He drives out and watches her, last night and tonight – she went to Mary Gearhart's or started their, but he watched and over to occur.  I'm so sorry she is tied to such a man.

Friday worked at Edna's dress – uptown for some groceries – to rummage sale to see about getting some silk to fix Edna's dress – but got none – got a Georgette waist for $0.10 with embroidery on it, but am afraid it is rotten.  Alice Stephenson, and Eva Hazelet here to see about us going to Sadie Hughes' funeral.  Ed and Anna will take us.  Ethel here for dinner.  Wrote to Ad.

Sat -- Ralph's birthday.  Up early – curled my hair – bathed first, though.  Ed's came at 9:45 to go to Franklin.  Home as the clock struck 12.  Got dinner for both of us.  AA eats better when I cook and seems to enjoy it.  Finished Edna's blue coat dress and took it up to the store tonight.  $2.00.  Mabel and Edna here this afternoon.  Mabel brought me a book of hers.  "Last ecstasy" just to Tiffin with Mame and Lou.