Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Oct.23 - Oct 29, 1927

Sunday 23 – beautiful, warm day – to 1st ME to hear Jones.  Good talk.  Got breakfast and dinner for AA, but she does not trust me much was trying to get something to eat both at noon and evening and had eaten her supper when I came home a little after 5:30, although she was not hungry, but thought I might not be here.  We do not have supper till 6 other nights.  Went for a lovely ride with Marchants to Shelby, Ontario, then home – Jess along – had trouble and sat on Springmill Street for about an hour.  Did not go to church this evening – AA going to bed at 8:10 – phone rang tonight just as I got downstairs and before I could get it - it stopped.  So provoking, then I called Jess thinking it was she – but could not get her – then called, Lizzie and they had not called.  Win very sick with her regular sickness – Esther and Ethel up there tonight.  Went to mail Em's and Anna Motter's letters at nearly 8:00 and ran across some drunk boys by the Journal office, then when I came back they were out in front of here, quarreling, and I was scared – one of them had his coat off and they were talking so loud.  AA was scared when I came in and I was to for my heart was acting bad – they turned and went up street again as I came in – somebody's boys who should not be doing that way.

Monday – heart bad for part of night and after eating today – was careful what I ate for dinner and supper, so it is much better.  Almost finished making blue and yellow apron for aid society.  This p.m. Win called – Sarah Scott called – I called Jess and Anna.  Mr. Jones called to see me this p.m., but AA was up here and I did not hear him.  He wrote his name on the News, which he found in the door.  Eva and Sadie the here to see AA.

Tue. October 25, fine day uptown to get floss and thread to make aid apron.  Visited the new Mansfield Dry Goods store for the first time since opening.  Edna Ward here when I got back.  Gave me $10 for salary and food buying, but AA stayed right by us to see what was going on, so nothing was said of wages.  Stopped at Jesse's on way home.  She going to Ohl's Golden wedding at Ashland this p.m.  Worked apron, but did not get it done.  Want to send it to the meeting tomorrow.  Mrs. Burkholder and Esther called today while I was downstairs, as most of my calls come lately.  Grace called to tell me Louis Brumfield had left her his 4 books, autographed.  Wrote to Lois tonight.  Esther called tonight to see if I knew how old Arthur Gushard is.

Wed – 26 - uptown to get more floss and bone rings for apron.  Worked all spare time at apron and finished and pressed it by dark.  Expensive apron if one counts time.  Jess called to have me go to hear the boy preacher at Tabernacle.  Wonderful!  Beautiful day.  Letters from Mary and Ad.  Bernice called about 10 to see if I'd go along out to Pavonia tomorrow.  I said "yes".  To Jesses a while before going to church.

Thursday 27 – washed a big wash – AA hung them out and brought them in.  Was very uneasy because she could not help wash.  Ethel called about Christmas cards – then brought book and left it.  I came home from a beautiful drive with Mary and Bernice and found her here.  She was going to the Elks grill to supper with Miss Williams who was entertaining for some one.  I looked over the Christmas card catalog and selected two dollars worth.  Lizzie called and talked over half-hour.  Win and Dick having trouble again.  He drives out and watches her, last night and tonight – she went to Mary Gearhart's or started their, but he watched and over to occur.  I'm so sorry she is tied to such a man.

Friday worked at Edna's dress – uptown for some groceries – to rummage sale to see about getting some silk to fix Edna's dress – but got none – got a Georgette waist for $0.10 with embroidery on it, but am afraid it is rotten.  Alice Stephenson, and Eva Hazelet here to see about us going to Sadie Hughes' funeral.  Ed and Anna will take us.  Ethel here for dinner.  Wrote to Ad.

Sat -- Ralph's birthday.  Up early – curled my hair – bathed first, though.  Ed's came at 9:45 to go to Franklin.  Home as the clock struck 12.  Got dinner for both of us.  AA eats better when I cook and seems to enjoy it.  Finished Edna's blue coat dress and took it up to the store tonight.  $2.00.  Mabel and Edna here this afternoon.  Mabel brought me a book of hers.  "Last ecstasy" just to Tiffin with Mame and Lou.

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