Sunday, October 30 Sadie Dickson called me out of my bed to say Bernice would be after AA at 10:30 to go to dinner with them. I to first, M.E. Talk to no one but Mary Mattayaw. Sat with Esther and Mrs. Boals. Alone all p.m. A A home at 4. Anna called about 4:30 to know if I wanted to take a ride. They came with Mrs. Baxter, and drove around town for about an hour. Out to Lincoln Heights, then West. AA and I to Christian church in the eve. Dr. Goodnight talked. President of Bethany College – good. Began to read "Lost Ecstasy". Very interesting – read till 12 – warm day.
Monday warm fine day – lengthend and patched Edna's polkadot dress in the a.m. – read a while in the afternoon. Mrs. Edmonds here to pay rent. Stayed a while. Mabel Clingan here with Dorothy's dress goods – blue flannel – Dorothy here after school. Cut Wins old flowered blue silk down to fit her. Just called to see if I'd go to see Hunts Halloween, but it makes me so very tired to wander around in a big crowd, so am at home. Later she called again and I went. Sadie Dickson here with candy for AA. Letter from Lois.
Tuesday, Nov. 1 a beautiful day after a sprinkle in early a.m. Went to Engwyler's by appointment at 10:30 to have my glasses adjusted. Got groceries at A&P. Met J.B. Jones just leaving as I came home, so he came back and stayed about an hour. Had a good visit. Dorothy here for dinner and to see about dress, and again after school. Finished blue silk for her.
Wed. Nov. 2. Rainy all a.m. Dorothy here to try on dress, which I cut out and fitted. She stayed for dinner. I worked all day on it. She came again after school and took it to see how Mabel liked it. Ethel Colby with her. Jess went to Horns this morning with Helen Light and came home with her after school. She went to see the steam shovel work on the grading of the new Pike in Pavonia. They are cutting things up something awful. AA has an awful cold – went to bed at 7:30. Talk to Jess for 20 min. Wrote to Mary. Eva Charles here in p.m.
Thurs Nov. 3 Colder, cleaned under bed and swept. To missionary meeting from 3:30 until 5:45. To library at 7 to return books. Got "When a Man Mary's" by Mary Roberts Reinhold. And "Endicott and I" something on the Jonathan order by Francis Lester Warner. Letter from Mrs. DeRemer.
Friday 4 – Eleanor's 12th birthday. First snow, but soon melted. Up rather late. Dorothy here before I had my breakfast. Gave her some money to get a present for Eleanor, also, some crêpe paper to make flowers. Esther and I to Madison theater to see "Ben Hur." Very good. I went home with her for some cake. She said they would not eat. Ethel about sick with a boil on her neck. Ralph gets his dinner & supper there and Edna gets hers with her mother. Ralph not at all well. Jess here to spend evening. Went at 8:00.
Sat Nov. 5. Rainy and snowy all day, rather cold, but no frost yet. Remarkable. Cleaned the dining room, kitchen, and bath. Worked on Dorothy's dress. Finished it. The last button having to be sewed on by electricity. Mabel and Dorothy came for it about 6. Herman came here for them. Mabel paid me $1.00 for the cloth dress – have $20 that I hope to bank and can if Wards girls give me anymore for groceries. Anna called also. Ede. They have been out to Ella's all week, but came home this a.m. Wrote to DeRemer ground covered with snow at bed time (11:30).
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