Saturday, February 26, 2011

May 29 - June 4, 1927

Sunday, May 29. Fred's birthday. Rainy – did not arise till after 9:30. At home all day. Called Ed. They starting to Zanesville. Called Esther. She had a headache – AA and I to Memorial service at 1st M.E. Home after 10, long program.

Monday -- 30.  Rainy.  To Fred's on 10 o'clock bus. Ed Robinson there to sell place. Took F to town to see a property then came home and sold the place for $7625 and the strawberry crop. Dr. Smith out in p.m. Win and Dick to Lake. Came home with Dr. Smith, because I had to heavy a basket to carry from bus line. To Charles'  a while, with Eva on porch. Jess over to spend evening. Lights off because of burnt out fuse. Man came to fix it when I telephoned. Quite a blaze.

May 31 Tuesday. Fine day -- cleaned my windows, swept the walls, took all pictures down, cleaned and hung them again. Cleaned all the bedding and blankets, on the line outdoors.  Went to library with book that was due. Came home past my garden and hoed up in good shape.  Ede and Esther called. I called Edna to tell her of Fred's farm sale. Ede and Hadley to Columbus with Cutlips Sunday and out to Iva's Monday. 

Wednesday, June 1 Sidney's birthday.  Fine day.  Cleaned room, all but putting up curtains very tired Audrey called Fredrickstown W.H.M.S. convention.

Thursday. 2. Fine day.  Uptown to get fringe and double curtain rods for my new valances.  Finished one and found I must line them.  Win brought dresses to be fixed.  Ede here for an hour or two after dinner.  AA and I to Missionary.  Met Mrs. Dickey and Mrs. Galbraith.  Felt so lonely that would not stay for supper.  AA stayed, but was home when I got here, having changed her mind.  I window shopped then went to market, then to see my garden, then in to Jesse's.  Lou and Sherman [Marchant] moved there today and stored their goods until they can get the apartment they have rented.  Grace called.

Friday, June 3. Fine day.  Fixed address for Win.  She came down for supper and Dick was to meet her here and take her home, but didn't come, so she had to stay all night with me, I'd have such a fellow.  He uses her, too mean for anything.  Ethel came to get her neck trim before going to the missionary meeting but was in a hurry.  Talk to Grace about Fred's buying her place.  Sent checks to Nally Geoff for the W.H.M.S.dues , $1.20 and to Mrs. Glenn Hout for "W. H. Missions"50 cents..  Went to Pavonia with Ed in A.M.  Telephoned to Lizzie long distance to tell her Win would not be home.

Saturday, June 4 up early to get Win off to work.  Poured rain early, at 4, and again, about 9 or 10.  Ede called to say Frend Clingan's little two & a half-year-old girl was killed yesterday falling off the tractor.  Terrible!  Finished new valances & tiebacks for blue silk for windows .  Wrote to Artie and Hattie.  Mabel Ward here at noon.  Room looks decent.  Painted house number 126 and the mailbox after supper.  Guyler's got their porch fixed up for summer.  Wish I had enough of it that they do not see, to hold a chair.  Called Aunt Lou to tell her of Mrs. Lewis's visit.  She seemed to think I had as much as Grace to live on, or at least was feeling sorry for Grace that she had it more, when I think she has enough for a good home and a living besides a vocation that will bring her a good living right along.  So I had the blues worst that ever.  I was so lonely.  I nearly went up.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

May 22 to May 28, 1927

Sunday the 22nd Anna's [Hughes Clingan] birthday quite warm. Fine day but cloudy in the afternoon took Aunt Art to 1st Methodist Episcopal church sermon broadcasted. Intended to go to Fred's but Anna called and said they were going to Al's and I could go along. They came just before three. Hadley and Ede along. Home at 7:30. To Christian church with Aunt art and Eva Charles.  Dale Linn's, Ernest Herschlin and Mary Mosher at Al's.

Monday, May 23.  Pretty nice day. Not so hot as Sat. & Sun. Cloudy and some rain toward evening. Worked on Edith Cutlip's dress.  Began at one and nearly finished it by 6:10. To Adams the first time in 2 or 3 weeks, --  also to milk plant for pt. of milk, first fresh milk for a long time – been using evaporated.

Tues. 24.  Rained a lot in the night. Water high again but not as bad as last week.  Hot – Iva and Ede came for Leona and Edith's dresses at 2:30. Went up to town at 3:30 to 5:30 – Library, Ethel's office. Met Mary who showed me her engagement ring.  Talked to Esther over the phone and she told me of Mary going to be married this summer sometime – Got blue silk drapes for my windows. Got 6 tomato plants and planted them – also some nasturtiums. Eva Charles here all evening and I stayed down to visit with her, and took her home at 9:15 in the rain.

Wed. 25.  Rainy in morning. Went to Esther's at 10 to get rhubarb. She gave me some noodles. Took her some salvia plants. She has headache. Stopped at Lou [Mary Luella Palmer] Marchant's on way home for 1/2 hr.  She has to move a week from today and does not know where to. Audrey telephoned to ask me to go along out to Weller High picnic at 6:30. Went uptown and got bananas for picnic. They came at 5:10 and we were almost the first ones there. Saw so many people who seemed glad to see me, and it was good. Just sat down to supper on the ground when it began to rain so we crowded into the house pell mell and the good time was spoiled. Got home at 9, in a pouring rain. Van drove like a madman. I was scared part of the time. Talk to Ada and Aunt Lou. Turned quite cold.

Thurs.  Cold.  Was too sick to go to church sewing. Ada and Esther asked me to help their division. High blood pressure symptoms. Singing of blood in neck and bad heart and stomach. Mary here to spend evening and show me her ring and sterling silver and tell me what Sir Louis is like (Mabel and Edna here and Aunt Art has been mad at them ever since.) Got word Mrs. Lewis is coming. Helen Light wants me to have her for dinner.

Friday, May 27 cold was too sick to have Mrs. Lewis for dinner, so Anna said she'd take her. She came here about 3 and Helen came for her after 5.  Had a siege of telephoning about her entertainment, but it was all right at last. Went to Dr. Nigh, who has taken an office across the St. My blood pressure is 170. ($1.50) did not eat anything from yesterday noon until today noon. Got gray hose from Marse for birthday yesterday and wrote her today.

Sat. May 28.  Fine day but cool in the morning uptown for groceries to Kroger's. Then up to meat market, and got a box, for a cupboard in cool closet. A boy brought it home for me for $.10.  Made cupboard after dinner. Ede called. Iva's are taking them to Columbus tomorrow. Sent Fred's birthday book "Kazan" out with Win for tomorrow.  Wrote to Ad in the p.m. and took it to the P.O. after supper. Went over to see my garden.  It is growing fine. Jess not at home. Wrote to Mrs. De Remer in the evening.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

May 15 to May 21, 1927

Sunday 15. Went to 1st M.E.  A.A. not able to go although she would have done had I not persuaded her not to. Rainy all day. To Christian church at night. Wrote to Bess.

Monday - rainy all day. Lizzie sent me some butter by Win. Did not sleep well so slept late. Made potato salad for dinner, did several chores, and cut out the owners dress, and got it ready to try tomorrow. Put telephone in in the p.m. Called Win, Anna, Ede, Esther and Jess. Then went uptown for bread and lace for Leona's dress. Got gem pan and cake also. Then went to library and got "The Soul of Abe Lincoln" and "Trail Makers, Etc." for Fred.

Tuesday, May 17 nice day rained in evening.  Sewed on Leona's dress. She and Edith here to try it on. Nearly finished it. Letter from Martha to tell me she got light gray hose and they were to light. Wanted sample of gray dress to match. Wrote and sent sample. Jess called toward evening that she was coming to spend evening. I went with her to P.O. at 930. Met Lawrence and Mildred – he weighs 296 pounds. Set the Lord had made him pleasingly plump. Mabel and Edna here cleaning closets trunks drawers and etc. for A.A. Ede called twice on phone.

Wed. 18.  Rainy.  Sewed a little while and went to the A&P on E. 4th for groceries. Edy came before Win left at noon and stayed till about 3. I loafed as I did not feel good. Finished "Sivedey". Do not like it at all. Ethel called about 7 to get me to go to the business woman's concert at the 1st Presbyterian. Very good. Pouring rain when I came home at 10.

Thurs. 19.  Flood in lower town. Cloudy all day. Ede called in a.m. Phone off in p.m.  Can get no one. Cleaned behind curtain and drawers and boxes. Felt pretty good all day. Eva to A.A's.

Friday, May 20. Beautiful day.  Washed net curtain's, doilies etc. and my regular washing – began at 10 and did not put wash out till 1.  Rested a while, then one uptown to look at umbrellas, but did not buy one. Got book "Kazan" for Fred's birthday. Stopped at Jessie's on way home to see about garden. Could not break away as she was full of talk. Came home – changed clothes, ate some and went back to spade some more for garden. Mame came for while.

Sat. May 21.  Fine day. Hot toward evening. Ironed in the a.m. Win came at 12 o'clock before I began dinner. Had it ready at 12:20 PM. Sewed on her dress until after 8 and finished it. She called from home this evening. Heated water and took a bath in tub. Dorothy here in p.m.  Letter from Meta Mills. Aunt Annie very bad with dropsy. Talk to Mabel Clingan over phone. Wants me to fix dress.

Note:  Dropsy is an old term for the swelling of soft tissues due to the accumulation of excess water, according to  

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mansfield, May 8, 1927 thru May 14, 1927

Sunday 8.  Rained all forenoon. To Christian church at 10:30. Mother's Day service. Gave us red tulips. Ed and Anna came and took me out to Al's, stayed all p.m.  Got doc, rhubarb, and flowers. Flo gave me a begonia. A.A.  to see Sam Stephenson, with Brubakers. To First Lutheran at night to hear Wooster choir.  Fine.

Monday 9 Anna G's birthday. Finished Lizzies gingham dress, shortening it and opening down front and took it to Win's office. Dave called me "Aunt Tat". Ordered a telephone.  Card from Ede and letter from Miss Hiestand. To Jessie's on my way home and made some more garden, planted nasturtiums. Our lettuce, onions and radishes up fine.

Tues. 10.  Began Win's blue crepe de chine, from Marse's wedding dress. Letters from Marse, Mrs. De R. and Artie. Marse says Mary is an engaged to Harry De [sic] Louis and Win said she saw her ring t'other day.  Ede came with Iva and her two girls before I had dishes washed. Cut girls hair and measured them for dresses. A.A. sick with pain in the hip and leg and on couch all day. Telephone from Charles to girls and they came in evening, after A.A. came to my room to go to bed.

Wed. May 11. Rainy – worked on Win's dress. Letters from Anna G., Ad and Mary F.  Anna likes her dress, am glad. Up to market for bread and meat for dinner. Electric men here to see about wiring Pavonia house so must go out someday soon. Mat Buffington, Keith Paulson died and buried Monday.

Thursday the 12th Bennie's [Ben Donaldson] birthday. 4 years old. Cool day. Went uptown for groceries and a $.19 broom at Mans. Dry Goods Co. Crowd all thru store. Opening of big 10 day sale. Sewed on Win's dress, smocked front skirt. Mrs. Edmonds here to see about wiring house. Does not care for it so will let it go at present. Letter from Bess with pair of gray silk hose for my birthday. A. A. sick with hip pain again. Ede here on way home from town. I made lemon pie and bran muffins.

Friday 13.  Mary Kahl Boyce took Ede, Esther, Lula and me to Franklin to W. F. M. S. group meeting at 10 o'clock. Mrs. Klinger of Delaware presided. Fine talk by a returned missionary whose health failed and cannot live long. Home about 5.   A.A. in my room talking a lot of crazy stuff. It's too bad. Her mind is failing so fast. Birthday card from Ede. Check Wednesday from Ad for $1.20 for birthday. Paid it for missionary dues at Franklin.

Saturday, May 14, Anna G. Sent book – "Sivedey" and a hat Mrs. De Remer and Meta had a hand in getting, for a joke. It had been a pretty hat, but was soiled, so I washed it in naptha, put in new rim on and have quite a pretty hat. So the joke is on them. Esther and Ethel came in evening to bring me an electric lamp. Win gave me a dollar, so I'm going to try to get in an umbrella, with what Sibbie gave me the last Christmas she lived and what Lizzie gave me at the same time. $3.00 ought to buy a decent one.  Wrote to Anna G Sunday, Win here at night with $15 rent money from Edmonds.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

May 1 - May 7,1927

May 1 Sunday, fine day. To SS closing and preaching. Shelby preacher preached. Home with Mary for dinner, Ethel sick. Stopped at Marchants to see Bess, who looks well.  Bernie and Mary came there and took me out to Fred's. While out there advanced Anna came to take me to Al's. A.A. went with them. Was sorry I missed going to Al's. Home at 6. Got potatoes and milk. Dick there, Mary W has been sick and is pealing off. To church at night. Rev. Bright of Central preached. Our minister at Central this morning and at Shelby tonight.

Monday, May 2. Fine day. Cloudy toward evening. Worked at Anna's dress.  Ida Stevenson came while I was getting dinner. Stayed short time. Slept a while in the p.m. as slept only a little last night.  Worked on A's dress till five then went to library with Apples "World Cruise Log" and got "Adventures in Friendship" and "Possessions" by David Grayson. Fred wanted them, as he liked "Adventures in Contentment" so well. Paid $1.00 at Red Cross for Mississippi flood sufferers.

Tuesday 3, Finished Anna's dress, thanks be! To Jessie's after dinner and Ede and Iva came while I was there. Cut Iva's hair. Jess and I made lettuce bed after supper.

Wednesday 4 -  I to Opal Swishers to Pavonia aid and Miss. Had good time. Middleton's stopped for one. To Jessie's after, came home and went uptown with her.  Win to restaurant for dinner.

Thursday 5 - Got up early and washed big wash. Wrote to Mrs. DeRemer about Anna's dress. Sent it and flowers, daffodils, to Aunt A (Aunt Anne) for Mother's Day. Aunt Art to Missionary church at 3:30 and to pay gas and electric. Mrs. McClure mad at my tub and jawed me about it. I slammed the door in her face.  I wish she had told me in a nice way to put my tub elsewhere. Sadie Dixon came to see A.A. and brought ice cream so I got A.A.'s share. Bernice Bishop here also a little while. Sade stayed and visited with me for over an hour. I to P.O. with Anna's dress at 5:00, 8 cents postage, 8 cents insurance for $25. To Jessie's for naptha. Stayed until after 8. She had kitchen papered today. Mabel and Edna here when I got home. A.A. also home, but not until after the girls came. Rained about 8, fine day.

Friday 6. went to A&P and got a big basket of groceries. Ede came while I was gone. I came home at 11:30 got Win's dinner then went to with Ede to Dr. D. C. Larendis's office. Wanted to see the Wall-Park building. Went on up to Esther's after rhubarb and mayonnaise. Stopped at Ethel's office and was introduced to Hiram Caldwell. Got Prine's Favorite Prescription. Ironed after I got home, then went to Jessie's to plant my little onions. Win came there for me. Dick came for her at 8:00.  Fine day.

Saturday, May 7. A busy day, also a beautiful one. Clean the dining room kitchen and washed my  "Marse" dress and the blue tricolette best gave me - in naptha in the a.m.  Went uptown to get some groceries and a scarf for Win to give to her mother for Mother's Day tomorrow. As I was buying the scarf Lizzie came in and spoiled the purchase, although I found out what her choice was and went back and got it later on and took it up to Win. Met Cal Stewart. Then I went to the rummage sale the Legion had yesterday and today, and got a beaded black blouse, a lampshade and a few other little things, $1.30 altogether.  Jess would not have done it, but I see a good dress in it.  While I was gone and Esther, Ede, Iva and her three children came.  Ida to have her girls haircuts. Soon after I came Sade Dixon came and stayed until about 6, then Win wanted supper (she came at 5) and Eva Charles came before we had supper. Jess came while we were eating. Win was to go to the circus with Dick but she waited and waited and he did not come. So went to Wigles and telephone his mother and found he was sick and had telephoned Mrs. Wigley, but she had failed to let women know. It was nearly 9 so I went with her to the "Energire" and to the bus station to go home at 9:30. Poor child, she was so disappointed and mad. I then went to Jessie's for a book she got out of the library for me. "The Witness".

Saturday, February 5, 2011

April 26 - April 30, 1927

Tuesday the 26th up at 8. Did not sleep well. Rained toward morning. Covered stool with old upholstery goods off Lizzie's "Smitty" chair.  Made, or finished A. A's hat, quite a job, looks lots better. Made over black sateen slip. Strung amethyst beads that Marse sent for Xmas and that were broken coming. Nice day. Win said Fred lots worse. Suffers so much pain. He does too much hard work. Split and carried in big chunks of wood Sunday, too much.

Wednesday rained hard about 7.  Showery.  I began Anna G's dress. Went to Manda Oswalt's after supper she has a nice apartment with nice renters. A.A. did not like it that I did not get home till 8:35, too bad!

Thursday, April 28 up late.  Uptown to make out tax list and to get trimming for Anna G's brown satin dress. Met Esther, who went with me around town.  Ede here when I came back at 11:30. She stayed until 2. Worked on Anna's dress. To Jesses after supper but she was away. Dorvan – electric man here.

Friday, up late. Made rheubarb [sic] pie. Paraffined [sic] paper flowers. Uptown after dinner to pay $54 for electric at Pavonia. At Jesses on way home, for an hour. Worked at Anna's dress, and the day was gone. Rained all forenoon.

Saturday the 30th fine day. Blue ribbon children's parade at two o'clock. Dorothy came about 11:30 for haircut, but gave it after Win's dinner. Dorothy, A.A. and I up to see parade at 2:30.  A.A.'s niece here in a.m.  Came from Findlay for parade. Husband Dr. Meister in health work. Lizzie left butter at Win's office, so we went after it. Mabel Ward called on me. Both at A.A. this a.m.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

April 24 - 26, 1927

Sunday the 24th,  To Fred's on 10 o'clock bus, Audrey there since yesterday. John and Van there yesterday to dig drain from inside toilet. Clyde, Ann & Betty there in forenoon.  Lizzie giving Betty Sibbir's  clothes and shoes, some of them, and they just about fit her. Audrey said I could come home with her and Van but he failed to appear after dinner and did not come back, so I came in with Win and Dick. Brought one-half gallon of milk, butter, apples, dandelion, parsnips, jelly and upholstering goods and some dresses to make slips. Home 8:45. Snowed in the afternoon. Fred out when I went and seems to be feeling better.

Monday, April 25, up at 7. Nice day. Grated horseradish and picked over dandelion for dinner. Letter from Marse [Martha Donaldson]. Answered part before and part after noon. Slept an hour. Went uptown for groceries. Met Lona. Said Walter was better, but he has been in hospital 12 weeks. She to Helen's since last Wednesday. Get's free pass. Sadie Dickson to see A. A. this morning.  A. A. got photo of Artie Dickson of St. Joseph, Missouri, fine picture. Am making A. A.'s summer hat over.  Darned three pairs of hose for Win.