Sunday the 22nd Anna's [Hughes Clingan] birthday quite warm. Fine day but cloudy in the afternoon took Aunt Art to 1st Methodist Episcopal church sermon broadcasted. Intended to go to Fred's but Anna called and said they were going to Al's and I could go along. They came just before three. Hadley and Ede along. Home at 7:30. To Christian church with Aunt art and Eva Charles. Dale Linn's, Ernest Herschlin and Mary Mosher at Al's.
Monday, May 23. Pretty nice day. Not so hot as Sat. & Sun. Cloudy and some rain toward evening. Worked on Edith Cutlip's dress. Began at one and nearly finished it by 6:10. To Adams the first time in 2 or 3 weeks, -- also to milk plant for pt. of milk, first fresh milk for a long time – been using evaporated.
Tues. 24. Rained a lot in the night. Water high again but not as bad as last week. Hot – Iva and Ede came for Leona and Edith's dresses at 2:30. Went up to town at 3:30 to 5:30 – Library, Ethel's office. Met Mary who showed me her engagement ring. Talked to Esther over the phone and she told me of Mary going to be married this summer sometime – Got blue silk drapes for my windows. Got 6 tomato plants and planted them – also some nasturtiums. Eva Charles here all evening and I stayed down to visit with her, and took her home at 9:15 in the rain.
Wed. 25. Rainy in morning. Went to Esther's at 10 to get rhubarb. She gave me some noodles. Took her some salvia plants. She has headache. Stopped at Lou [Mary Luella Palmer] Marchant's on way home for 1/2 hr. She has to move a week from today and does not know where to. Audrey telephoned to ask me to go along out to Weller High picnic at 6:30. Went uptown and got bananas for picnic. They came at 5:10 and we were almost the first ones there. Saw so many people who seemed glad to see me, and it was good. Just sat down to supper on the ground when it began to rain so we crowded into the house pell mell and the good time was spoiled. Got home at 9, in a pouring rain. Van drove like a madman. I was scared part of the time. Talk to Ada and Aunt Lou. Turned quite cold.
Thurs. Cold. Was too sick to go to church sewing. Ada and Esther asked me to help their division. High blood pressure symptoms. Singing of blood in neck and bad heart and stomach. Mary here to spend evening and show me her ring and sterling silver and tell me what Sir Louis is like (Mabel and Edna here and Aunt Art has been mad at them ever since.) Got word Mrs. Lewis is coming. Helen Light wants me to have her for dinner.
Friday, May 27 cold was too sick to have Mrs. Lewis for dinner, so Anna said she'd take her. She came here about 3 and Helen came for her after 5. Had a siege of telephoning about her entertainment, but it was all right at last. Went to Dr. Nigh, who has taken an office across the St. My blood pressure is 170. ($1.50) did not eat anything from yesterday noon until today noon. Got gray hose from Marse for birthday yesterday and wrote her today.
Sat. May 28. Fine day but cool in the morning uptown for groceries to Kroger's. Then up to meat market, and got a box, for a cupboard in cool closet. A boy brought it home for me for $.10. Made cupboard after dinner. Ede called. Iva's are taking them to Columbus tomorrow. Sent Fred's birthday book "Kazan" out with Win for tomorrow. Wrote to Ad in the p.m. and took it to the P.O. after supper. Went over to see my garden. It is growing fine. Jess not at home. Wrote to Mrs. De Remer in the evening.
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