Tuesday, February 1, 2011

April 24 - 26, 1927

Sunday the 24th,  To Fred's on 10 o'clock bus, Audrey there since yesterday. John and Van there yesterday to dig drain from inside toilet. Clyde, Ann & Betty there in forenoon.  Lizzie giving Betty Sibbir's  clothes and shoes, some of them, and they just about fit her. Audrey said I could come home with her and Van but he failed to appear after dinner and did not come back, so I came in with Win and Dick. Brought one-half gallon of milk, butter, apples, dandelion, parsnips, jelly and upholstering goods and some dresses to make slips. Home 8:45. Snowed in the afternoon. Fred out when I went and seems to be feeling better.

Monday, April 25, up at 7. Nice day. Grated horseradish and picked over dandelion for dinner. Letter from Marse [Martha Donaldson]. Answered part before and part after noon. Slept an hour. Went uptown for groceries. Met Lona. Said Walter was better, but he has been in hospital 12 weeks. She to Helen's since last Wednesday. Get's free pass. Sadie Dickson to see A. A. this morning.  A. A. got photo of Artie Dickson of St. Joseph, Missouri, fine picture. Am making A. A.'s summer hat over.  Darned three pairs of hose for Win.

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