Saturday, February 19, 2011

May 15 to May 21, 1927

Sunday 15. Went to 1st M.E.  A.A. not able to go although she would have done had I not persuaded her not to. Rainy all day. To Christian church at night. Wrote to Bess.

Monday - rainy all day. Lizzie sent me some butter by Win. Did not sleep well so slept late. Made potato salad for dinner, did several chores, and cut out the owners dress, and got it ready to try tomorrow. Put telephone in in the p.m. Called Win, Anna, Ede, Esther and Jess. Then went uptown for bread and lace for Leona's dress. Got gem pan and cake also. Then went to library and got "The Soul of Abe Lincoln" and "Trail Makers, Etc." for Fred.

Tuesday, May 17 nice day rained in evening.  Sewed on Leona's dress. She and Edith here to try it on. Nearly finished it. Letter from Martha to tell me she got light gray hose and they were to light. Wanted sample of gray dress to match. Wrote and sent sample. Jess called toward evening that she was coming to spend evening. I went with her to P.O. at 930. Met Lawrence and Mildred – he weighs 296 pounds. Set the Lord had made him pleasingly plump. Mabel and Edna here cleaning closets trunks drawers and etc. for A.A. Ede called twice on phone.

Wed. 18.  Rainy.  Sewed a little while and went to the A&P on E. 4th for groceries. Edy came before Win left at noon and stayed till about 3. I loafed as I did not feel good. Finished "Sivedey". Do not like it at all. Ethel called about 7 to get me to go to the business woman's concert at the 1st Presbyterian. Very good. Pouring rain when I came home at 10.

Thurs. 19.  Flood in lower town. Cloudy all day. Ede called in a.m. Phone off in p.m.  Can get no one. Cleaned behind curtain and drawers and boxes. Felt pretty good all day. Eva to A.A's.

Friday, May 20. Beautiful day.  Washed net curtain's, doilies etc. and my regular washing – began at 10 and did not put wash out till 1.  Rested a while, then one uptown to look at umbrellas, but did not buy one. Got book "Kazan" for Fred's birthday. Stopped at Jessie's on way home to see about garden. Could not break away as she was full of talk. Came home – changed clothes, ate some and went back to spade some more for garden. Mame came for while.

Sat. May 21.  Fine day. Hot toward evening. Ironed in the a.m. Win came at 12 o'clock before I began dinner. Had it ready at 12:20 PM. Sewed on her dress until after 8 and finished it. She called from home this evening. Heated water and took a bath in tub. Dorothy here in p.m.  Letter from Meta Mills. Aunt Annie very bad with dropsy. Talk to Mabel Clingan over phone. Wants me to fix dress.

Note:  Dropsy is an old term for the swelling of soft tissues due to the accumulation of excess water, according to  

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