Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mansfield, May 8, 1927 thru May 14, 1927

Sunday 8.  Rained all forenoon. To Christian church at 10:30. Mother's Day service. Gave us red tulips. Ed and Anna came and took me out to Al's, stayed all p.m.  Got doc, rhubarb, and flowers. Flo gave me a begonia. A.A.  to see Sam Stephenson, with Brubakers. To First Lutheran at night to hear Wooster choir.  Fine.

Monday 9 Anna G's birthday. Finished Lizzies gingham dress, shortening it and opening down front and took it to Win's office. Dave called me "Aunt Tat". Ordered a telephone.  Card from Ede and letter from Miss Hiestand. To Jessie's on my way home and made some more garden, planted nasturtiums. Our lettuce, onions and radishes up fine.

Tues. 10.  Began Win's blue crepe de chine, from Marse's wedding dress. Letters from Marse, Mrs. De R. and Artie. Marse says Mary is an engaged to Harry De [sic] Louis and Win said she saw her ring t'other day.  Ede came with Iva and her two girls before I had dishes washed. Cut girls hair and measured them for dresses. A.A. sick with pain in the hip and leg and on couch all day. Telephone from Charles to girls and they came in evening, after A.A. came to my room to go to bed.

Wed. May 11. Rainy – worked on Win's dress. Letters from Anna G., Ad and Mary F.  Anna likes her dress, am glad. Up to market for bread and meat for dinner. Electric men here to see about wiring Pavonia house so must go out someday soon. Mat Buffington, Keith Paulson died and buried Monday.

Thursday the 12th Bennie's [Ben Donaldson] birthday. 4 years old. Cool day. Went uptown for groceries and a $.19 broom at Mans. Dry Goods Co. Crowd all thru store. Opening of big 10 day sale. Sewed on Win's dress, smocked front skirt. Mrs. Edmonds here to see about wiring house. Does not care for it so will let it go at present. Letter from Bess with pair of gray silk hose for my birthday. A. A. sick with hip pain again. Ede here on way home from town. I made lemon pie and bran muffins.

Friday 13.  Mary Kahl Boyce took Ede, Esther, Lula and me to Franklin to W. F. M. S. group meeting at 10 o'clock. Mrs. Klinger of Delaware presided. Fine talk by a returned missionary whose health failed and cannot live long. Home about 5.   A.A. in my room talking a lot of crazy stuff. It's too bad. Her mind is failing so fast. Birthday card from Ede. Check Wednesday from Ad for $1.20 for birthday. Paid it for missionary dues at Franklin.

Saturday, May 14, Anna G. Sent book – "Sivedey" and a hat Mrs. De Remer and Meta had a hand in getting, for a joke. It had been a pretty hat, but was soiled, so I washed it in naptha, put in new rim on and have quite a pretty hat. So the joke is on them. Esther and Ethel came in evening to bring me an electric lamp. Win gave me a dollar, so I'm going to try to get in an umbrella, with what Sibbie gave me the last Christmas she lived and what Lizzie gave me at the same time. $3.00 ought to buy a decent one.  Wrote to Anna G Sunday, Win here at night with $15 rent money from Edmonds.

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