May 1 Sunday, fine day. To SS closing and preaching. Shelby preacher preached. Home with Mary for dinner, Ethel sick. Stopped at Marchants to see Bess, who looks well. Bernie and Mary came there and took me out to Fred's. While out there advanced Anna came to take me to Al's. A.A. went with them. Was sorry I missed going to Al's. Home at 6. Got potatoes and milk. Dick there, Mary W has been sick and is pealing off. To church at night. Rev. Bright of Central preached. Our minister at Central this morning and at Shelby tonight.
Monday, May 2. Fine day. Cloudy toward evening. Worked at Anna's dress. Ida Stevenson came while I was getting dinner. Stayed short time. Slept a while in the p.m. as slept only a little last night. Worked on A's dress till five then went to library with Apples "World Cruise Log" and got "Adventures in Friendship" and "Possessions" by David Grayson. Fred wanted them, as he liked "Adventures in Contentment" so well. Paid $1.00 at Red Cross for Mississippi flood sufferers.
Tuesday 3, Finished Anna's dress, thanks be! To Jessie's after dinner and Ede and Iva came while I was there. Cut Iva's hair. Jess and I made lettuce bed after supper.
Wednesday 4 - I to Opal Swishers to Pavonia aid and Miss. Had good time. Middleton's stopped for one. To Jessie's after, came home and went uptown with her. Win to restaurant for dinner.
Thursday 5 - Got up early and washed big wash. Wrote to Mrs. DeRemer about Anna's dress. Sent it and flowers, daffodils, to Aunt A (Aunt Anne) for Mother's Day. Aunt Art to Missionary church at 3:30 and to pay gas and electric. Mrs. McClure mad at my tub and jawed me about it. I slammed the door in her face. I wish she had told me in a nice way to put my tub elsewhere. Sadie Dixon came to see A.A. and brought ice cream so I got A.A.'s share. Bernice Bishop here also a little while. Sade stayed and visited with me for over an hour. I to P.O. with Anna's dress at 5:00, 8 cents postage, 8 cents insurance for $25. To Jessie's for naptha. Stayed until after 8. She had kitchen papered today. Mabel and Edna here when I got home. A.A. also home, but not until after the girls came. Rained about 8, fine day.
Friday 6. went to A&P and got a big basket of groceries. Ede came while I was gone. I came home at 11:30 got Win's dinner then went to with Ede to Dr. D. C. Larendis's office. Wanted to see the Wall-Park building. Went on up to Esther's after rhubarb and mayonnaise. Stopped at Ethel's office and was introduced to Hiram Caldwell. Got Prine's Favorite Prescription. Ironed after I got home, then went to Jessie's to plant my little onions. Win came there for me. Dick came for her at 8:00. Fine day.
Saturday, May 7. A busy day, also a beautiful one. Clean the dining room kitchen and washed my "Marse" dress and the blue tricolette best gave me - in naptha in the a.m. Went uptown to get some groceries and a scarf for Win to give to her mother for Mother's Day tomorrow. As I was buying the scarf Lizzie came in and spoiled the purchase, although I found out what her choice was and went back and got it later on and took it up to Win. Met Cal Stewart. Then I went to the rummage sale the Legion had yesterday and today, and got a beaded black blouse, a lampshade and a few other little things, $1.30 altogether. Jess would not have done it, but I see a good dress in it. While I was gone and Esther, Ede, Iva and her three children came. Ida to have her girls haircuts. Soon after I came Sade Dixon came and stayed until about 6, then Win wanted supper (she came at 5) and Eva Charles came before we had supper. Jess came while we were eating. Win was to go to the circus with Dick but she waited and waited and he did not come. So went to Wigles and telephone his mother and found he was sick and had telephoned Mrs. Wigley, but she had failed to let women know. It was nearly 9 so I went with her to the "Energire" and to the bus station to go home at 9:30. Poor child, she was so disappointed and mad. I then went to Jessie's for a book she got out of the library for me. "The Witness".
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