[I seem to have missed two pages in my original draft, so here they are. I'll continue with April 9th next time.]
Friday April 1. Rained Hard before 6. Ed & Ad to start for Milwaukee at about 6. Expect to stop at Waukegan, Sat. p.m. Was not worth much all day. Did very little. Wrote to Artie. Win to dinner after 1, then to dentist - To Jesse's at 2., she not there.
Sat. 2. Slept only between 2 &3 hrs. all night. Up about 9. Miserable all day. Win late. 12:40 -- Sausage & sweet potatoes, celery, banana, cookie, canned pears, post-um. To Kroger's in a.m. Slept a while. Uptown in p.m. bought hot water bottle. 99 cents, dark tan silk gloves at Berna's sale. 49 cents. long ones, cut 'em off. Also bought this book & wrote this much in it. Edna W. here. I met her uptown. Snowed a little and got colder. Ethel to get neck trimmed in evening.
Sun. 3 - To 1st M.E. in a.m. Talked to no one but Edna W. Wrote to Mary Fisher in p.m.. Eva Charles here in p.m. and again in evening to go to Christian church with us. Jr. orchestra there. Slept but little last night.
Mon. 4. Worked some on Ede's dress. Sent hymn & letter to A. Annie. "Beautiful Isle". To Jesse's in a.m. She has been to Akron since Friday. Pinned pleated skirt for her. Talked to Mrs. Ohl. Thinks Florences picture fine.
Tues. 5. Dovan. Electric man to sell to my Pavonia home. Signed as everybody else has done. Cost 54 + 15 + fixtures a rough estimate. To Ede's with dress in a.m.. Sewed on it in p.m. then to Esther's for supper. Miss Williams there also. Esther gave me a cake that she thot spoiled with soda. Good - To library. Got book "An Immigrant in Japan" Home at 8:30. Rainy in a.m. Nice in p.m.
Wed - Fine day. Aunt A. washed then I washed. Win late. I very tired, Ede came before 12 to go to Berna's sale. Went at 1:30. I got 2 union suits at 33 cts each - and 1 1/2 yd. linen for dish dryng, at 13 per yd. Went to Win's office for a qt of milk she brot in. Ed[e] took her dress home to stitch and I am to make the belt yet. Then I hope it will be done. Very tired.
Thurs. 7. Nice day but cold. Made Ede's belt in a.m. A. A & I to missionary meeting at 1st M.E. Church in p.m.. Esther here with hat stuff and salad dressing & fhubarb. Jess & I up town in evening to the Merchant's big style show. Eva spent evening with A. Art. A.A. = Aunt Art.
Union Suit:
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