Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sept. 4 - 10, 1927

Sunday 4,  AG and I to Congregational church in a.m.  Herman sang a solo.  Home past Jessie's to get the papers -- so visited there a while.  To depot at 2:00 to see Marse and boys off for Chicago.  Bennie looked so pale.  I pity him as all the fuss is made over Jim.  To Hadley's in evening.  Edy up and dressed for the first time for weeks and weeks.  Roe Oswalt and family there, also Iva and family came as we started away.  We went by Ralph's store – Edna's rather – and they were having a big trade for Sunday evening -- treated us to ice cream and we each bought a magazine I hope she does well.  Dick brot us home from the depot.

Monday 5 - Labor Day.  We sewed on a dress I gave Anna – one of Libbie's old ones.  Went to the Ritz in the p.m. to see "The Scarlet Letter" – Anna took me – Jess here to spend evening.  Eva Charles here all p.m.  A. A.  insulted Jess because she stayed here till 9:30.

 Tuesday, Sept. 6 -- Anna and I uptown from 9 to 10 -- went to depot at 10:30 and had to wait till 11:35 for Wooster bus to start.  Dorothy here when I came home - stayed for dinner.  Libbie Haverfield here a short time. Glad to see her.  Mrs. Edmonds, Mary – Mrs. Zimmerman and her Mary here to pay one half of Edmonds rent. Wrote to Ad.

Wed. 7.  Had pain at my heart in night and a little most of the day – cleaned my room – Win called to get me to go uptown, then home with her, but I simply was not able, so she and Lizzie came down, but would not stay to dinner.  Cleaned my room some – also dining room and kitchen and made potato salad out of scraps.  To Jesse's after dinner for papers.  Ova Hale there – Jess called in eve to see if I'd fix a dress or a Mrs. Robbins who lives in one of the Ward houses on Weldon, then I called Mrs. Burkholder to tell her to tell Mrs. R to come over in the morning.  Wrote to Freddie Burton Walls.  A card from Anna G wrote one in answer & took it up to the P.O. Fred out all day with Ed on his Worcester, Orrville, etc. trip.

Thursday, Sept. 8.  Good rain in the night.  Badly needed.  Mrs. Robbins came at 9:10 with the dress, and I had set word for her to come at 9:30 to 10, so I was eating breakfast.  Worked at the dress about three hours.  Talked to Esther – Grace called – also Jess –  A. A. & I to parade of big Shrinner's conclave at Central Park.  A package left at the door with an ensemble suit and georgette dress.  Mystery.

Friday 9.  Did not sleep much so was no good all day.  Jess called me out of bed at 8:00.  Grace called again about Victrola.  Esther called and came at 2:30.  Ruth Wadlington Harper also came at 2:00 and stayed a half hour.   I up to Art store opening with Esther.  Ray Bush entertained us.  I to Jess' in late afternoon for elderberries.  She went out to our old place with Leo and Mary Yeater and got a lot.  Win brot a new dark blue georgette to have fixed some also a slip for it.

 Sat. 10th - slept fine – canned 3 cans of elderberries and made applesauce.  Esther called to tell me that the package was left by Edna – some old dresses her sister-in-law sent her and she wants them made up.  She also wants me to bake pies for her store, but as much as I'd like to do it, I can't in this little place with the complications.  Also wants some Xmas fancy work.  I may try that.  Rainy all p.m.  Uptown at supper time.  Telephoned for News to deliver News for the week.  Talk to Jess about 30 min. late.  Wrote to Em Johnson.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

August 28- Sept. 3, 1927; Mary's wedding day

Tuesday, August 30.    Have not written since Saturday so will begin with:

Sunday the 28th our reunion at N. Park.  I started at 12:00 and just missed the fourth streetcar so waited 15 min. and looped the loop to S. Park, thinking the reunion would be there and found my error.  Took the car after missing one when almost to it and looped the loop again to North Park.  Edna, Ethel and Artie passed me at the Coliseum and had been down after me, and Francis and Mary were also out on the hunt of me.  Too bad!  50 there and had a scrumptious dinner, but no supper, good luck!  Ed and Anna brought me home and we went on out to the flying field and saw the plane light or land twice and twice take its flight with two passengers.  Came home about 7 and A. A. was still away, so I came in and ate some then John and Sadie Dixon came and stayed about an hour.  Then Frank brot Anna G at 8:30.  Still, A. A. away till 9:30 when Dick brought her home.  We should have locked her out as she did us when we stayed no later, but I sat down there and waited for her.  Journal suspended publication.  Sorry.

Monday the 29th got up late, Win to dinner, then A. G. and I went to Hadley's with a little cake and some ice cream for Ede's birthday dinner.  She also got cards from us.  Jess, Esther's three and a lot more.  She was asleep when we went, but awakened.  We then went to Aunt Lou's to stay for supper.  Had a very nice visit and supper.  Artie came over from Well's to spend evening.  Mat Ward has been there three weeks.  Aunt Lou not her former self.  Sidney's had company, Rev. Brown, W.  B.  Martin, Mansfield's, Rudd's for waffle supper.  Mrs. Rudd and Mrs. Mansfield in after supper.  Louise and Mary Rudd brought us home at 9:30 PM.

Tuesday the 30th, invited to Ada's for noon meal and to Edna's to evening meal, but had to decline both.  Sorry.  Anna went with Louise at 11:00.  Win to dinner.  Dick brot her and waited while she ate.  Esther called to see about forks and napkins so I had to wash napkins.  Also, my hair.  Went to Jessie's after soft water to wash it.  I asked her about Lou's applying for divorce from Marchant.  I had heard it but she never had said a word, but told me today the particulars. I sat downstairs and waited for Ralph to bring Anna G.  She came before 10:00 and had had a nice day.  Grace, Artie, Aunt Lou, Mat W. & Anna there, at Ada's and Martha & Mary at Edna's, besides G.G. & Mrs. McCready, at whose home the dinner was served, in honor of Mary, Edna had entertained Martha at the Women's club in the afternoon.  Was sorry I had to miss it all.

Wednesday, August 31.  At home until nearly 3, then went uptown to show A. G.  Maxwells and Reed stores and found Maxwells closed for Wednesday afternoon but other stores open.  We dropped in at the "Park" theater and saw a show, then window shopped and stopped to see Linton.  Ed and Anna came to take us to Herman's at 8:00 – stayed till 9:30 – the girls played and Herman Sang.  Made arrangements with Jess to pay five cents per week for the news, after she gets it.  Read area.  She out at to Horn's all day – I sent quarterage to C. W.  Robinson.  Five dollars.  Marse here for a while.

Thurs. September 1 -- Did not sleep well until 4:00 this a.m. so was all in, and as I had made plans to have a dinner for Artie and Mat W. but had to call it off.  Etta, Ada and Aunt Lou were to be here also.   Artie went back home yesterday, so that spoiled it some – when we went downstairs A. A. was washing, so it would have been almost impossible to have tried to entertain, in the best of health and spirits.  Win to dinner.  We both slept a little, then Mary came for a while.  I to Jessies for a qt. of milk Edward brought her and she had a quart from Horns.  She gave me, also, some beats and some stewed elderberries.  We went up to Maxwell's and looked the store over, then to pay telephone rent and found the office closed.  To A&P for groceries – got supper over then came upstairs about 7:00 and soon went to sleep in my chair.  Slept till 9:30 then went to bed, but could not sleep, so got up and am sitting here writing at 11:10 and am not sleepy yet.  Anna is not aware that I am up, and the light is shining in her eyes.  Blessed sleep like that.  She has been snoring it off right along Will read till I get sleepy.

Friday, Sept. 2,  Ada called early to take us to Franklin cemetery.  Came about noon.  Also went to W. B.  Martin's cabin in the woods.  Home about 3.

Sat. 3 – Mary's wedding day.  A fine day until the ceremony was over, then rained a little, but turned out nice at last.  A. G. and I went about 2:00 to decorate the house.  Ceremony at 4:30.  They left at about 5:45.  All went to depot with them with rice and old shoes and placards.  Back to Esther's till about 9:00.  Ethel came as far as the PO with us to mail 125 announcements . Ralph and Edna bought the Marty Hogan drugstore and took possession after the wedding was all over.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Aug 21- 27, 1927

Sunday – Ed came and took us to the great Methodist rally at the Coliseum.  We took our lunch and ate in Jim Neals auto, by chance.  Had good meetings both morning and afternoon.  Took us a ride in the evening around town.  Was so sorry I did not ask Ed to take A. A. too.  Poor old lady sat here alone all day.

Monday -- Win here for dinner.  A.  G.  and I to Pavonia in bus at three o'clock – started to walk to Pavonia from Windsor and met Dick with his oil truck at the Osbun Road and rode over with him.  At Tressa's a while.  I forgot to take my key and had to take off the lock, after trying numerous keys.  We cleared up the bed and things in general in my room out there, and stayed in it and boarded ourselves for two days.

Tuesday Mrs. Hout gave us milk and boiled eggs and Mrs. Edmonds gave Anna coffee in the morning.  We started to do some calling in the afternoon and met Lettie and Mildred starting to Dell's, so went along.  Tuesday, August 23 spent the afternoon at Della's and the evening in our rural waiting for George Boals to come and take the china closet.  Down and out, but he forgot to come, so I was worried for fear we'd not get it after all, but he came Wednesday morning with Leo and C. Eberts and got it out over the kitchen roof.  We intended to go to Horn's and the parsonage, and were cut out of it – both days, as Mrs. Edmonds said at noon that she was coming to town and we could go along, so we hurried our dinner and came home about two o'clock both of us were tired.  Ralph and Edna brought graces phonograph after A. A. went to bed.

Thursday we went to Anna's for dinner and supper and to Graces in the evening.  Got home at 9:30 and were locked out.  A. A. was awfully peeved that we stayed out "so late"and she had to get out of bed to let us in.  Mrs. McClure had given me a calling down in the early morning for picking up some apples and I felt pretty much called down all around, so slept poorly.  Grace said I might move into her parlor, which she has emptied, but am afraid she will sell the place, and I would be out.  Would like it very much in many ways and not much some other ways.  When I move I want more room if I can get it.  Ed brought Newton, Charles for supper and took him to Fannies after supper after taking us to Graces.  Mary Ann at Anna's for the week.

Friday, August 26.  A.G.  and I to Esther's for dinner and to Etta's for supper.  Artie came about 4:30 from Westerville.  Aunt Lou also there for supper.  She is failing very fast, both in mind and body.  It is pitiful to see a strong woman fail that way.  We had to hurry home after supper for fear of another calling down.  Mary Boals came from Lima to Esther's.  Mary going to have her and me to the wedding.  To Jesse's for some apples.  Marse came back from Monroe Falls.

Saturday, August 27 A. G.  did some washing and got ready to go to Frank's at noon.  He came for her on way from office at 12:00.  Win had not time to come to dinner, so I ate alone.  I ironed what Anna washed last week and some of what she washed for herself this a.m.  Cleaned all the upstairs with vacuum cleaner.  Went up to market at A&P and Bailey's.  Meda called early to ask me to go along, but I just couldn't, as I was too tired and had too much to do.  Played over all the records on phonograph.  A.A. in till 9:30 or after to listen and talk.  She went up and got ice cream for both of us for supper.  It is now 11:30 and I have written all this since a week ago last night, so 'spose I've left out some things of importance.  I took notice of Marse's coming to both papers.  Verna called at porch a while.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Aug 14 -20, 1927

Sunday the 14th rained nearly all night called Anna & Ralph to make arrangements to get Anna to Grace's in the rain.  Ralph's came from S.S. & took her.  I am feeling some better, but have quite a cough & spit blood.  Called Grace – Lettie called.  To Jesse's a little while toward evening in the backyard & back porch until I took a coughing spell and came home.  A. A. and I to first Lutheran church.  Went first to Christian and there were no evening services then went to U. P. and first Presb. with same result.  Feel much better this evening – fine afternoon – wrote to De Remer.

Monday and Tuesday, Aug. 15.  Took very sick at 1:30 AM and was very sick for about three hours vomiting, etc.  Think it was poison from some pressed chicken sent me from the picnic Saturday.  I ate it for dinner about 3 o' clock that ate no supper only some graham crackers.  Was sick in bed all day.  Up when I had to be.  Nothing to eat all day, only a couple of hot milk at noon and at 5:30 quite sick till about 10:30, then slept till after 3:00 and again from 6:15 or so till 7:30 then had to call Grace about A. G. [Anna Golladay] going with Ed & Anna on Ed's trip.  She was going along if I did not need her.  Would like to have had her yesterday when I was so sick all day – she was at Aunt Lou's yesterday.  I just got through talking to Grace when some one rapped downstairs, I did not think anything of it as I s'posed A.A. was up but she wasn't, so had to run down in my kimono and it was Anna C at the front door and A.G. at the back door.  They thought I might be able to go along to Ashland, Lodi, Orrville, etc. Ed's long drive, but I wasn't altho I was feeling quite a lot better – Hadley called yesterday.  Edy some better, wants me to see to sending her birthday cards on the 29th – I always hate to ask folks to do that – some do not like it – Elizabeth Houston to see her today.  I called Elizabeth at Margaret's and Margaret invited me with Jess to luncheon Thursday.  I doubt my going the way I feel today.  I want to go to Fred's anyway, to see Marse and the boys.  They will come at 7:45 that A.M. and go on to Monroe Friday.  Called Jess and she has not been invited yet – Grace called in early evening – I called Margaret to decline the date. Edna called at 9:30 to see if I could shorten the dress she got for Mary's announcement party Thursday nite.  I promised her Thursday A.M.  The Anna's came about 6:30 on their way home from the trip. I'm to go tomorrow A. G. went home with them.

Wed. Aug. 17.  Got up at 6:30 and got ready to go with Ed's to Fredrickstown, Mount Vernon, Danville, and back to Mount Gilead.  Started at 8 got back at 5 – Nice drive, dinner at Danville. AG stayed with me tonight.

Thurs.  Did not sleep well and felt bum in the night & all day – Edna came with dress to shorten for Mary's party tonight.  Anna G washed, and I finished Mary's pillow slips.  Then, shortened Edna's dress – she came about 11.  Dress a hard  propsition to deal with, but got it pinned up by 12 and she went away.  I got dinner then hemmed the dress.  Edna came again at 4:30 and took us to Fred's to see Marse and the boys.  They look well.  Called Grace tonight to see if she'd sell her phonograph as she told A.G. she would but she will only lend it, so I'll get Ralph to bring it down sometime.  Invited to Etta's for supper, but was not able to go..

Friday - 19. Up at 7.  Did nothing much but make potato salad and got ready to go to Fred's.  We went on about 10:30 AM stayed till 5:15 PM then got transferred to P.W. car and looped the loop home.  Martha at Mary's till dinner to see Mary's things.  The boy’s lively ones, especially Jim.  They seem partial to him.  Poor Benny!  They left at 2:30 for Monroe Falls, to stay a week – then back here for Mary's wedding and a 10 days visit.  Mary Fisher called to say that she was going home in morning without seeing me.

Sat. Aug. 20 – A.G. and I uptown – going up in evening we met Esther and the girls coming down.  They went back with us to market, then came with ice cream and spent the eve.  Jess called early in the eve to ask us to go over, then when the girls came here I tried to get her to come over but her phone was off and I failed to get her until after they went home, then got her and she had been looking for us all evening.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

August 6 - 13, 1927

August 6 [Saturday], August 8,  Monday afternoon Anna G and I sitting in my room – Anna writing to Mrs. DeRemer.  I trying to get located, meant to write while I was gone, but put it off from day to day.  We came Saturday afternoon started at 10 to 12 on Canton bus, then to Wooster, then to Mansfield via Ashland and got here at 4:30 about, walking from bus station and carrying our suitcases, pretty tired.  Went to market and got a few things.  Saw no one we knew but Miss Williams.  Telephoned to the families.  Ed just got home from Al's.  Al just living looking for him to go any minute.  Ede sick in bed.  Talked to Hadley.  Esther invited us to dinner tomorrow.  To bed early.

Sunday, August 7 got up late, so did not go to any church.  Went to Esther's about 11:30 had a good dinner.  Stayed all P.M. and for supper to DVDs on my way home.  She has had a bad case of grip.  As changed doctors several times.  Had Lavender the first of the year, then went to Benning to be rubbed, then to Lavender again, then to Smith – to Garber and now is back to Benning.  Has to be taken in a taxi.  Jess told me about Cecil Myers' death and about Jay Ferree Jr.'s accident.

 Monday, August 8.  Wrote to Mary F.  Had card from her wondering why she did not hear from me.  Found along.  Letter from "Fritz" Bunton-Wells when I got home.  Anna and I uptown at 4:35 and got groceries.  It's tough for stepins for Ethel for birthday gift.  Anna telephoned after 2 that Al [Clingan] had just died.  Said we could go to funeral with them. Win down for dinner, brought us 4 wire dress hangers.

Tuesday Aug. 9.  Sunny all day but cool – Anna washed and I made Ethel's stepins – got them too small.  I'm afraid.  Uptown in the afternoon.  Met Sidney.  Made arrangements to take us for a sightseeing drive after supper.  Had a drive all over town and ended up at Fred's.  Lizzie sick in bed, chill and pain in chest.  Jess here to call while we were gone.

Wed. 10.  Finished Ethel's stepins.  Win to dinner.  Anna and I uptown to look over the stores in the afternoon. Sat in yard on bench in evening.  I to Charles' a little while and took news over.  Got books at library "The Green Bay Tree" and "Mary Gusta".

Thurs. 11. Mrs. Guest took Esther, Anna and me to Franklin to Al Clingan's funeral – I taking cold – was very tired when we got home.  Saw so many people.  I was glad to see and who seem to be glad to see me.  It was good, but made me very tired.  We were to go with Ed's then they had to take the flowers early and Guests offered to take us.

Friday, August 12 I sick with asthma cold.  In bed all day, but down to dinner and supper.  Had to smoke every two hours all night all day Mary here with finished pillow slips and took the second one to crochet.  Must get at the sheet but too sick.  Jess telephoned.  Had been to Akron yesterday and came home on "3" this A.M..  Helen
light called to tell me  I could go to Walford's homecoming.

Sat. 13 -- Miserable all night.  Had to smoke every two hours until morning, but not any today – Grace called to have Anna and me go there this P.M. but am too sick.  Anna went with Ralph and Edna to "Homecoming".  Would like so much to have gone.  Sidney, also called to say we could go with them.  Dorothy here in the P.M. while her "Ma" practiced at church.  Herman gone to Pittsburg on business I finished reading "The Green Bay Tree".  It is not the kind of story I like it all.  Anna back at 8.  Was to go on up to Graces with Ralph's, but had headache, so sent word to Grace by Ralph's that she'd not go until morning.  Her phone out of order.  I feel better of asthma.

Friday, March 11, 2011

July 17 - 19

Sunday, July 17.  George Hughses birthday, 58.  Rainy looking.  A. A. and I to church.  Dr. Anderson preached.  Did Jesse's work and swept off her front porch and chatted a little with Dad MacAfee before church time. Read in Jesse's "ships that pass in the night".  Ed and Anna came about 4:30 and took A.A. and me to Pavonia.  My piano is in awful shape and Leo's will buy it.  Got home at 7:20 and went to the Christian church to Rev. Binghearts ordination.  When we got home found the telegram [telling of her mother's death] from Anna G in the door, Ethel had gotten it and could not get me over the phone so she and Mary brought it.  I am to go stay at Lisbon if convenient, and I s'pose it will be.  Vince Hughes at McElhaney's.  Jess home at about 5 P.M.

Monday, July 18 - Worked on Win's dress to have it done before I go to Lisbon.  She came to dinner to eat up the scraps.  Packed my suitcase for a couple weeks day at Lisbon.

Tuesday the 19th Ed, Anna, Fred, Lizzie and I started to Lisbon at 7.  Nice drive.  Rained a little, but only a sprinkle.  Got there at 10:45 AM.  Dinner at 12.  Frank and Meda got here, about 1.  Funeral at 2 a good sermon by Rev. Harvoli, Reformed minister, singing by Mrs. Marquis and Mrs. Cable.  Everything was very nice.  Very tired after I came home – Mansfielders went straight from the cemetery home.  Neighbors all very kind.  Ruby Peters and Jetta McDevit, Perl Stuckman stayed until supper was over.  Mrs. DeRemer over often.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

June 12 to July 16, 1927

Sunday, June 12 quite cool went to Central ME to children's exercises.  Very good.  To Anna's for dinner.  Jr. talks everything.  Bob came in the P.M. and we went out to Al's about 4.  Got home at 8.  Cold.  Flo had all her stoves down.

Monday the 13th cool – rainy in early-morning and evening but nice day.  Did not too much in the morning.  Man came to paint kitchen.  Uptown to Ethel's office, to pay taxes, got garment bag and bagged my winter coat and went to Carlisle's auction – Jess and Luella, there – Lizzie called to tell me they were picking berries.  We'll try to go out Wednesday.

July 13 went Wednesday, but forgot to take this book.  Took a taxi to go to bus as I had my suitcase and a basket.  One day there was much like another.  Audrey there one week and she and I picked most of the berries.  I picked 11 bushels lacking two quarts, and we picked 26 bushels lacking to quarts and left a lot in the patch when we moved to 465 S. Main very hot all day Fred's move July 5 and I stayed till July 12 at 9 P.M.  Dick and Win brought me home, in the heat -- very hot until after midnight.  Did not sleep well, but guess no one did.  Up at 7.  To Jesse's at 8:15 to see what she wants me to do while she is at Lakeside.  Made potato salad for Wins dinner.  She came with bread, butter, and dills for dinner at 12:30.  Jesse tried to get me on phone, but someone cut us off every time before I got to the phone. Edy and I tested her out and she cut us off, so I got troubled for and he called me and she cut us off, by taking down the receiver after it had rung three or four times.  Edy and Hadley both sick with laryngitis.  Esther called to tell me to go Friday to quilt on Mary's quilt.  Wrote to Em Johnson.  Had a letter from her last December.  Wrote to Ad last Sunday, July 10.  Took a bath in the tub tonight.

Thurs. 14.  Cloudy - Win called to say she'd not be here for dinner, so I went to Esther's to quilt.  Jess to Lakeside with Emma and Miriam – Mary and Ethel to Mrs. Bronx at 6 for dinner and Esther invited to the GAR for supper.  Rained in the P.M.  Cooler this evening.  Wrote to Emily H.

Friday15 – Rainy.  Went again to Esther's to quilt.  Lizzie there also.  I stayed for dinner and supper.  Mary came down with me – going to a bridge party on E. 4th.  Did Jessie's chamber work and worked some in my garden.

Saturday the 16th wrote to Anna G and mailed it after dark and took a short walk, worked on Wins blue georgette.

Friday, March 4, 2011

June 5 - June 11, 1927.

Sunday, June 5 cold, rainy in the early morning.  Got awake early and with such a dazed feeling that I was frightened.  Could not remember anything.  So was afraid to go to church or stay alone so went to Esther's about 10.  Was there until nearly 9 PM. Ethel came part of the way home with me.  Ethel is good and so unselfish.  AA to church, then home with Mabel and Edna.  Dale took them out to Sam's.  He is in bad shape.  Charlie sent a man, wife and child to live with them.  Ed called to know if I wanted to go to Frend's little girl's funeral this afternoon, but I did not feel well enough. 

Monday, June 6, fine day, cool.  Did not do much but read Sunday's Journal in the a.m.  Uptown in p.m. to Carlisle's furniture auction.  Stayed 2 hours.  Shopped some.  Got voile for blue flowered stuff and gray gingham for yellow plaid blouse.  All cost $1.16.  To Win's office.  Edy called when I got home to know if I'd be at home as Hadley wanted his haircut.  I went to Jesse's a while after supper.  Lou and Sherm there to stay to lay can get their flat.  Aunt Art had quite a fire, it burned her night dress, and filled the house with smoke and burnt the kitchen ceiling and her cabinet.  She is not safe alone, poor old soul!  Edy and Hadley came after 7.  E stayed till 9.

Tuesday 7. Fine day, cold. Washed big wash for me.  Library in p.m..  Edy here in p.m. on way home.  Talked to Edna Ward about AA's, fire.  Said it would draw insurance. A man came to estimate damage.

Wednesday, June 8, fine day but cool.  Washed my hair, then ironed.  Lou Marchant called to get me to wash her hair tomorrow.  Man came to finish up the electric light that went out.  The third time they have been here and it happened a week ago Monday – Another man to see about sandpapering the kitchen then painting it tomorrow.  Anna called to tell about Mans, going to Mt. Lakes, N J.  Jr is there and has been for over a week.  Mary came with sheet for me to embroider and crochet.  To Hadleys's after supper to send with Edy for some gauge union suits.  A minute at C. O. Ferree's.  Had asthma when I got home.  Mabel called just as I got here and wants a dress fixed.

Thursday the ninth fine day warmer.  Made lemon pie took things out of kitchen so man could paint but he didn't,.  Went to jesses at 932 wash, Luella's hair.  She gave me $.50 or.  I felt like a fool taking it, but guess I should not feel so.  Went with Edy to Engwiller's to get her glasses and made a date for tomorrow morning for myself.  We then went to Carlisle's furniture sale.  Came home at five and made my yellow plaid and gray gingham dress.  Am wearing it tonight.  Aunt Art sneered at it and went over her old sarcastic remarks about people needing glasses.  She says if people never began to wear them, they would never have to do it.  I was provoked at her this afternoon and I guess she knew it.  New paragraph.

 Friday, June 10, fine day quite warm sprinkled a little in the afternoon.  Edna Ward came with woman to clean.  They did a big day's work.  Aunt Art's living room, bedroom, hall, cupboard closet, and dining room.  Man came and painted first coat in kitchen.  Finished Wins [Winifred Hughes] green dress shortening sleeves.  Went to Mrs. Engwiller to have eyes fitted for glasses.  Am afraid will not like what she persuaded me to get.  Just like Edy's and she does not like hers.  Told me after I hadordered mine.  Win brought eggs and strawberries – such nice ones.  Mabel came for supper, between practices at church for the wedding of Miss Charles in the church tomorrow at 4.  To Jesses for some roses and got the first mess of our lettuce.  A letter from Anna G. [Golladay] saying aunt Annie [Palmer Golladay] lots worse.  Right arm measures 14 inches below elbow and nine at body swelled tight to her arms.  Too bad!  Feel that I should go, but Lizzie needs me almost as badly as Anna does.  Poor Anna, and poor Aunt Annie!  Called Grace Anna and Esther to tell about Aunt Annie.  Answered Annie's  letter.

Saturday June 11.  Fine day. Warm.  Got things out of kitchen for man to paint it, but he didn't come.  Nuisance – shortened Mabel's dress to wear at the wedding.  Washed my good dishes and put them back in pantry shelves.  Mabel came to dress and have her hair . Ede came to go to church with me.  Went to Miss Engmiller's for my glasses, and wore them home, but they feel funny.  Hurt the tender place on my nose.  Edy here till about 6.  Took me to Isley's & got me an ice cream cone.  Met Miley's girls and did not know them.  Thot they were Net Pittenger's girls.  Mabel came and stayed till Herman came for her.  Then I went to Charles' to sit on porch.  AA was already there.  Dr. Keller's wife was there.  Stayed till 9:15.  Took ad. journal for Win's horse.