Saturday, March 19, 2011

Aug 14 -20, 1927

Sunday the 14th rained nearly all night called Anna & Ralph to make arrangements to get Anna to Grace's in the rain.  Ralph's came from S.S. & took her.  I am feeling some better, but have quite a cough & spit blood.  Called Grace – Lettie called.  To Jesse's a little while toward evening in the backyard & back porch until I took a coughing spell and came home.  A. A. and I to first Lutheran church.  Went first to Christian and there were no evening services then went to U. P. and first Presb. with same result.  Feel much better this evening – fine afternoon – wrote to De Remer.

Monday and Tuesday, Aug. 15.  Took very sick at 1:30 AM and was very sick for about three hours vomiting, etc.  Think it was poison from some pressed chicken sent me from the picnic Saturday.  I ate it for dinner about 3 o' clock that ate no supper only some graham crackers.  Was sick in bed all day.  Up when I had to be.  Nothing to eat all day, only a couple of hot milk at noon and at 5:30 quite sick till about 10:30, then slept till after 3:00 and again from 6:15 or so till 7:30 then had to call Grace about A. G. [Anna Golladay] going with Ed & Anna on Ed's trip.  She was going along if I did not need her.  Would like to have had her yesterday when I was so sick all day – she was at Aunt Lou's yesterday.  I just got through talking to Grace when some one rapped downstairs, I did not think anything of it as I s'posed A.A. was up but she wasn't, so had to run down in my kimono and it was Anna C at the front door and A.G. at the back door.  They thought I might be able to go along to Ashland, Lodi, Orrville, etc. Ed's long drive, but I wasn't altho I was feeling quite a lot better – Hadley called yesterday.  Edy some better, wants me to see to sending her birthday cards on the 29th – I always hate to ask folks to do that – some do not like it – Elizabeth Houston to see her today.  I called Elizabeth at Margaret's and Margaret invited me with Jess to luncheon Thursday.  I doubt my going the way I feel today.  I want to go to Fred's anyway, to see Marse and the boys.  They will come at 7:45 that A.M. and go on to Monroe Friday.  Called Jess and she has not been invited yet – Grace called in early evening – I called Margaret to decline the date. Edna called at 9:30 to see if I could shorten the dress she got for Mary's announcement party Thursday nite.  I promised her Thursday A.M.  The Anna's came about 6:30 on their way home from the trip. I'm to go tomorrow A. G. went home with them.

Wed. Aug. 17.  Got up at 6:30 and got ready to go with Ed's to Fredrickstown, Mount Vernon, Danville, and back to Mount Gilead.  Started at 8 got back at 5 – Nice drive, dinner at Danville. AG stayed with me tonight.

Thurs.  Did not sleep well and felt bum in the night & all day – Edna came with dress to shorten for Mary's party tonight.  Anna G washed, and I finished Mary's pillow slips.  Then, shortened Edna's dress – she came about 11.  Dress a hard  propsition to deal with, but got it pinned up by 12 and she went away.  I got dinner then hemmed the dress.  Edna came again at 4:30 and took us to Fred's to see Marse and the boys.  They look well.  Called Grace tonight to see if she'd sell her phonograph as she told A.G. she would but she will only lend it, so I'll get Ralph to bring it down sometime.  Invited to Etta's for supper, but was not able to go..

Friday - 19. Up at 7.  Did nothing much but make potato salad and got ready to go to Fred's.  We went on about 10:30 AM stayed till 5:15 PM then got transferred to P.W. car and looped the loop home.  Martha at Mary's till dinner to see Mary's things.  The boy’s lively ones, especially Jim.  They seem partial to him.  Poor Benny!  They left at 2:30 for Monroe Falls, to stay a week – then back here for Mary's wedding and a 10 days visit.  Mary Fisher called to say that she was going home in morning without seeing me.

Sat. Aug. 20 – A.G. and I uptown – going up in evening we met Esther and the girls coming down.  They went back with us to market, then came with ice cream and spent the eve.  Jess called early in the eve to ask us to go over, then when the girls came here I tried to get her to come over but her phone was off and I failed to get her until after they went home, then got her and she had been looking for us all evening.

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