Sunday, August 7 got up late, so did not go to any church. Went to Esther's about 11:30 had a good dinner. Stayed all P.M. and for supper to DVDs on my way home. She has had a bad case of grip. As changed doctors several times. Had Lavender the first of the year, then went to Benning to be rubbed, then to Lavender again, then to Smith – to Garber and now is back to Benning. Has to be taken in a taxi. Jess told me about Cecil Myers' death and about Jay Ferree Jr.'s accident.
Monday, August 8. Wrote to Mary F. Had card from her wondering why she did not hear from me. Found along. Letter from "Fritz" Bunton-Wells when I got home. Anna and I uptown at 4:35 and got groceries. It's tough for stepins for Ethel for birthday gift. Anna telephoned after 2 that Al [Clingan] had just died. Said we could go to funeral with them. Win down for dinner, brought us 4 wire dress hangers.
Tuesday Aug. 9. Sunny all day but cool – Anna washed and I made Ethel's stepins – got them too small. I'm afraid. Uptown in the afternoon. Met Sidney. Made arrangements to take us for a sightseeing drive after supper. Had a drive all over town and ended up at Fred's. Lizzie sick in bed, chill and pain in chest. Jess here to call while we were gone.
Wed. 10. Finished Ethel's stepins. Win to dinner. Anna and I uptown to look over the stores in the afternoon. Sat in yard on bench in evening. I to Charles' a little while and took news over. Got books at library "The Green Bay Tree" and "Mary Gusta".
Thurs. 11. Mrs. Guest took Esther, Anna and me to Franklin to Al Clingan's funeral – I taking cold – was very tired when we got home. Saw so many people. I was glad to see and who seem to be glad to see me. It was good, but made me very tired. We were to go with Ed's then they had to take the flowers early and Guests offered to take us.
Friday, August 12 I sick with asthma cold. In bed all day, but down to dinner and supper. Had to smoke every two hours all night all day Mary here with finished pillow slips and took the second one to crochet. Must get at the sheet but too sick. Jess telephoned. Had been to Akron yesterday and came home on "3" this A.M.. Helen
light called to tell me I could go to Walford's homecoming.
light called to tell me I could go to Walford's homecoming.
Sat. 13 -- Miserable all night. Had to smoke every two hours until morning, but not any today – Grace called to have Anna and me go there this P.M. but am too sick. Anna went with Ralph and Edna to "Homecoming". Would like so much to have gone. Sidney, also called to say we could go with them. Dorothy here in the P.M. while her "Ma" practiced at church. Herman gone to Pittsburg on business I finished reading "The Green Bay Tree". It is not the kind of story I like it all. Anna back at 8. Was to go on up to Graces with Ralph's, but had headache, so sent word to Grace by Ralph's that she'd not go until morning. Her phone out of order. I feel better of asthma.
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