Saturday, April 30, 2011

Oct. 30 to Nov. 5, 1927

Sunday, October 30 Sadie Dickson called me out of my bed to say Bernice would be after AA at 10:30 to go to dinner with them.  I to first, M.E.  Talk to no one but Mary Mattayaw.  Sat with Esther and Mrs. Boals.  Alone all p.m.  A A home at 4.  Anna called about 4:30 to know if I wanted to take a ride.  They came with Mrs. Baxter, and drove around town for about an hour.  Out to Lincoln Heights, then West.  AA and I to Christian church in the eve.  Dr. Goodnight talked.  President of Bethany College – good.  Began to read "Lost Ecstasy".  Very interesting – read till 12 – warm day.

Monday warm fine day – lengthend and patched Edna's polkadot dress in the a.m. – read a while in the afternoon.  Mrs. Edmonds here to pay rent.  Stayed a while.  Mabel Clingan here with Dorothy's dress goods – blue flannel – Dorothy here after school.  Cut Wins old flowered blue silk down to fit her.  Just called to see if I'd go to see Hunts Halloween, but it makes me so very tired to wander around in a big crowd, so am at home. Later she called again and I went. Sadie Dickson here with candy for AA.  Letter from Lois.

Tuesday, Nov. 1 a beautiful day after a sprinkle in early a.m.  Went to Engwyler's by appointment at 10:30 to have my glasses adjusted.  Got groceries at A&P.  Met J.B. Jones just leaving as I came home, so he came back and stayed about an hour.  Had a good visit.  Dorothy here for dinner and to see about dress, and again after school.  Finished blue silk for her.

Wed. Nov. 2.  Rainy all a.m. Dorothy here to try on dress, which I cut out and fitted.  She stayed for dinner.  I worked all day on it.  She came again after school and took it to see how Mabel liked it.  Ethel Colby with her.  Jess went to Horns this morning with Helen Light and came home with her after school.  She went to see the steam shovel work on the grading of the new Pike in Pavonia.  They are cutting things up something awful.  AA has an awful cold – went to bed at 7:30.  Talk to Jess for 20 min.  Wrote to Mary.  Eva Charles here in p.m.

Thurs Nov. 3  Colder,  cleaned under bed and swept.  To missionary meeting from 3:30 until 5:45.  To library at 7 to return books.  Got "When a Man Mary's"  by Mary Roberts Reinhold.  And "Endicott and I" something on the Jonathan order by Francis Lester Warner.  Letter from Mrs. DeRemer.

Friday 4 – Eleanor's 12th birthday.  First snow, but soon melted.  Up rather late.  Dorothy here before I had my breakfast. Gave her some money to get a present for Eleanor, also, some crêpe paper to make flowers.  Esther and I to Madison theater to see "Ben Hur."  Very good.  I went home with her for some cake.  She said they would not eat.  Ethel about sick with a boil on her neck.  Ralph gets his dinner & supper there and Edna gets hers with her mother.  Ralph not at all well.  Jess here to spend evening.  Went at 8:00.

Sat Nov. 5.  Rainy and snowy all day, rather cold, but no frost yet.  Remarkable.  Cleaned the dining room, kitchen, and bath.  Worked on Dorothy's dress.  Finished it.  The last button having to be sewed on by electricity.  Mabel and Dorothy came for it about 6.  Herman came here for them.  Mabel paid me $1.00 for the cloth dress – have $20 that I hope to bank and can if Wards girls give me anymore for groceries.  Anna called also.  Ede.  They have been out to Ella's all week, but came home this a.m.  Wrote to DeRemer ground covered with snow at bed time (11:30).

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Oct.23 - Oct 29, 1927

Sunday 23 – beautiful, warm day – to 1st ME to hear Jones.  Good talk.  Got breakfast and dinner for AA, but she does not trust me much was trying to get something to eat both at noon and evening and had eaten her supper when I came home a little after 5:30, although she was not hungry, but thought I might not be here.  We do not have supper till 6 other nights.  Went for a lovely ride with Marchants to Shelby, Ontario, then home – Jess along – had trouble and sat on Springmill Street for about an hour.  Did not go to church this evening – AA going to bed at 8:10 – phone rang tonight just as I got downstairs and before I could get it - it stopped.  So provoking, then I called Jess thinking it was she – but could not get her – then called, Lizzie and they had not called.  Win very sick with her regular sickness – Esther and Ethel up there tonight.  Went to mail Em's and Anna Motter's letters at nearly 8:00 and ran across some drunk boys by the Journal office, then when I came back they were out in front of here, quarreling, and I was scared – one of them had his coat off and they were talking so loud.  AA was scared when I came in and I was to for my heart was acting bad – they turned and went up street again as I came in – somebody's boys who should not be doing that way.

Monday – heart bad for part of night and after eating today – was careful what I ate for dinner and supper, so it is much better.  Almost finished making blue and yellow apron for aid society.  This p.m. Win called – Sarah Scott called – I called Jess and Anna.  Mr. Jones called to see me this p.m., but AA was up here and I did not hear him.  He wrote his name on the News, which he found in the door.  Eva and Sadie the here to see AA.

Tue. October 25, fine day uptown to get floss and thread to make aid apron.  Visited the new Mansfield Dry Goods store for the first time since opening.  Edna Ward here when I got back.  Gave me $10 for salary and food buying, but AA stayed right by us to see what was going on, so nothing was said of wages.  Stopped at Jesse's on way home.  She going to Ohl's Golden wedding at Ashland this p.m.  Worked apron, but did not get it done.  Want to send it to the meeting tomorrow.  Mrs. Burkholder and Esther called today while I was downstairs, as most of my calls come lately.  Grace called to tell me Louis Brumfield had left her his 4 books, autographed.  Wrote to Lois tonight.  Esther called tonight to see if I knew how old Arthur Gushard is.

Wed – 26 - uptown to get more floss and bone rings for apron.  Worked all spare time at apron and finished and pressed it by dark.  Expensive apron if one counts time.  Jess called to have me go to hear the boy preacher at Tabernacle.  Wonderful!  Beautiful day.  Letters from Mary and Ad.  Bernice called about 10 to see if I'd go along out to Pavonia tomorrow.  I said "yes".  To Jesses a while before going to church.

Thursday 27 – washed a big wash – AA hung them out and brought them in.  Was very uneasy because she could not help wash.  Ethel called about Christmas cards – then brought book and left it.  I came home from a beautiful drive with Mary and Bernice and found her here.  She was going to the Elks grill to supper with Miss Williams who was entertaining for some one.  I looked over the Christmas card catalog and selected two dollars worth.  Lizzie called and talked over half-hour.  Win and Dick having trouble again.  He drives out and watches her, last night and tonight – she went to Mary Gearhart's or started their, but he watched and over to occur.  I'm so sorry she is tied to such a man.

Friday worked at Edna's dress – uptown for some groceries – to rummage sale to see about getting some silk to fix Edna's dress – but got none – got a Georgette waist for $0.10 with embroidery on it, but am afraid it is rotten.  Alice Stephenson, and Eva Hazelet here to see about us going to Sadie Hughes' funeral.  Ed and Anna will take us.  Ethel here for dinner.  Wrote to Ad.

Sat -- Ralph's birthday.  Up early – curled my hair – bathed first, though.  Ed's came at 9:45 to go to Franklin.  Home as the clock struck 12.  Got dinner for both of us.  AA eats better when I cook and seems to enjoy it.  Finished Edna's blue coat dress and took it up to the store tonight.  $2.00.  Mabel and Edna here this afternoon.  Mabel brought me a book of hers.  "Last ecstasy" just to Tiffin with Mame and Lou.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Oct. 16-22, 1927

Sunday.  AA sick till 5 AM, then slept and I lay down and got a couple hours sleep.  Mabel came about 10:30 and stayed till 2, got Mrs. Reed, practical nurse from Grace's to, and bathe and change her.  A A good all day.  Did not try to get up.  I read "Tears for Rachel" by "onions" an English story.  The heroin waited 9 years, then married a kid.  Went to Christian church with Jess.  Dr. Trust preached a memorial for Mrs. Tisdall.  Hayes sang, a brother of the choir leader.

Monday, October 17 AA in bed all day.  Did not seem to want to get up.  Edna here looking after things, she one uptown and got a new washbasin and a slop bucket for AA.  Sada Dickson here in p.m.  I uptown for groceries for AA.  Saved $.40 on what she would have paid for things.

Tuesday AA up and dressed and over to sit in my room before I was dressed, about nine.  I was awake in the night, so slept late and then lay and planned Edna's coat dress.  Worked on it a while, then found that Mrs. read did not mean to do the little washing for AA and went to do it myself.  The girls can pay me if they like, three vests all smeared, bath towels same, and old ways to, night gown, the standard cover, her drawers and some rags, all in bad condition, then a towel and apron that were all rights.  That things were laying in the pantry or cool closet where I keep all my eats, so did not want them there.  Edy called to know if I'd go to central church to a new group concert.  Jess and Mabel W, also called I to mail some letters for Mrs. read, then to Jesse's for my story papers.  Mrs. Boles there with music for them to sing at Ohl's Golden wedding.  Florence is having it in her house in Ashland.  Google her came to tell me to go to loaners to apron meeting.  Dale, Sarah and girls here tonight.  Edna wants me to take care of AA.  Will try, I think.

Wednesday, October 19 cloudy, sprinkled some.  Esther went to Shelby with Rachel to see Dolly Morten.  Rae went yesterday.  Lou Marchant called to ask me to be leader of a group in the WHMS and I consented.  Just called to tell me she hadn't consented to be one.  Mabel called to know when I could make Dorothy's dress, and I do not know.  Anna called to tell me what she thought I ought to have to take care of a a for a while.  AA.  Got up before dinner and aided in this room.  Sat here until about four then went downstairs and stayed till eight o'clock and was pretty good all day.  Eva Charles here to see her.  Edna called to see if I had sent the nurse away.  I thought she'd better stayed till AA had been downstairs and back to see how she stood it.  Called Anna,  Edy, Ethel, and Jess.  Win here for dinner.  Strong 2 bead chokers, Pink and Pearl.  Edna came for polkadot dress $1.00.  Wish I felt strong.

Thursday 20th AA up and dressed and over to my room before I was awake then went downstairs for all day.  Think she'll be able to do her work tomorrow, so supposed I'll have a time with her.  Mrs. read left about 230 here four days.  Edy here in a.m.  I uptown twice in a.m. to bank to deposit my $25.  I got for PN oh, to library for books.  To Jesse's for papers.  Saw Tracy Ettinger and talk to him a while, have not seen him for years, it seems.  Mabel and Edna here in p.m. on way to church supper.  Eva Charles here on way from picture show.  Mrs. Gugler here to see AA.  Lou Marchant called to talk about group leading Mrs. Talbot called to see if I could go to see her at 200 PAW, I told her not to, so she will come here tomorrow.  Grace called also and Esther and Edy.  Edy and Hadley to Iva's as Hadley is out of work.

Friday, October 21 – beautiful day – Mrs. Dr. Talbot president WHMS [Women's Home Missionary Society] came with "autumn tea" teapots invitations to dues paying party with Mrs. Bowie on Park Ave., West next Friday.   I, as group leader, had to write the invitations and take them around.  I went at 3:30 to register for voting, but was half-hour too late.  Went to "Burkies," Lona's, who was not at home – Mrs. A. A. Boughton's who did not let me in if she was at home, Mrs. Wadsworth and Jessie's, so got six off my hands, with AAs, of the 12th – I puttered about the housework and did not have breakfast till 10 and dinner at 3.  AA dressed in my room as I got it warm and brought her clothes over, seems better today.  Wrote to Dreamer.

Sat. beautiful day – warm – want up and registered for voting, then to market in p.m. swept the house all over in a.m.  Mrs. Laird to see AA.  Brought her some chicken.  Eva here to spend evening – Mrs. Burkholder also here.  Myrtle came for her mother.  Wrote to Em Johnson as it is her birthday,  Anna and Jess called.  I called Grace – wrote to Anna Motter for A.A.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Oct. 9 - 15, 1927

Sunday to SS late to Esther's for dinner with Mary Golladay.  She left at three or little after to go to the infirmary with Clark's.  I stayed for supper.  Then Ethel walked with me to PW and Mulberry.  Got home at 7:20 but AA had gone, so I went to the Christian church and found her there with Eva.  Jess also there and I sat with her.  I did not feel good all day.  Wish I could stand something without getting sick.  Am discouraged.  EC Terman talked this a.m. in 1st ME.

Monday, October 10.  24 years this morning Pa [Robert Hughes] died and 25 years ago Will [Wilbert Goodsel Hughes] was buried.  I took this stitch in my back early in the day, and as was not feeling well anyway, I was laid up all day.  Was not out of the house.  Read most of the day, got my three meals, Edna W. called to have AA and me go up for dinner tomorrow.  Ethel called.  Edy called.  I talked to Lizzie, Linton's [Mattox and Anna Elizabeth Hughes] license in paper, married yesterday.  Jess here in evening to tell me that she is going to Akron tomorrow and wants me to go and see about the fire while she is gone.

Tuesday to Jess's at nine, she gave me celery, tomatoes and spinach, also her valuable documents to keep.  Mabel and Edna sent a taxi for us at 11:30 and we went to dinner.  The loveliest home I've been in for a long time.  Sarah, Rachel and Minnie McNaul there also.  Had fine dinner.  Sent us home in taxi, with bag of carrots and tomatoes.  Lulu, Fred and her mother here in evening with a basket of provisions.  "It never rains but it pours".  Mrs. Myers stayed as Fred and Lulu are going to big Conclave in Akron tomorrow.  My back very ouchy all day and worse tonight.  AA.  Fixed me a "rub" of vinegar and cayenne pepper.  Hope it helps.  Frank
Pittinger died last night.  Wrote more to Ad.

Wednesday, October 12 rained all day by spells then the sun would shine.  The Templars marched to depot at 8:30 in a pouring rain to take the train to Akron to the Conclave and it rained hard here at the hour of the big parade, 2:30.  Mrs. Myers at AA's all day and I 'spose will stay all night.  I ate dinner with them.  Win was to come, but didn't, on account of the rain.  I finished Ad's [Adaline Palmer Hagerman] letter and mailed it did. Did up Tresses apron to send by PP, [parcel post] but Laura told me to take it up to her and she'd take it out.  Finished an aid apron & took it to Lona's on way to Laura's.  They had their meeting last night.  Instead of tonight, but only a few there.  Tried to get me over the phone, but could not for some reason.  I brought home the goods for two like Tresse's and cut them out.  Also went to Jess's to see that everything was okay.  Grace called, also Anna called and talked for a long time.  Thinks I'd better not go to Graces, as she may sell in the spring.  Letter from Adah Bachtell.  Edy called and told me Helen Graff Gribbling was expecting a baby.  Have not seen them at church for some time.  My back some better.  Wrote to Jean, Dave, and Martha.

Thursday the 13th.  Mrs.Tisdall died last night.  Win quite sick last night and today.  Esther's birthday.  Rainy by spells all day.  Mrs. Myers went to Lulu's at 9:30.  AA quite sick with bowels running.  Would take salts, so I had to get some, also toilet paper.  Eva Charles to AA's in p.m.  Mrs. Burkholder called on me on her way to the church to a Fellowship supper, or roll call and reception for pastor and new members.  I'd like to have felt well enough to go, but didn't.  Verna invited me to go to supper with Rachel and Lizzie, but was not feeling well enough.  Edy wanted me to go to 10 cent show at Majestic.  Jess home at noon.  Went to library with her at 7:00  Fred has his teeth out.

Friday Oct.14.  A A bad with bowels all night used the old kettle and had it half full, with out a cover when I went over to her room and such an odor!  I emptied it and cleaned the kettle and disinfected the bath, etc.  She did no objecting, as I expected her to do.  Found some hamburg that she got Tuesday  never used.  It was spoiling, so I took it and made a meatloaf, but it was not very good.  She ate nothing yesterday nor today, but toast and coffee.  Edna down this p.m. with some medicine from the Doctor, but she was much better this p.m. without it, but she'll have it if she needs it again.  Minnie McNaul came to say goodbye as she is going home tomorrow.  Eva over a while.  Dr. Tisdall's wife's funeral service at 7:30 this evening at their church.  Had a notion to go, but didn't.  Ede here an hour or so, first she had been shopping since she was sick.  Esther called.  Rachel and Rosa there for supper, at Emma's for dinner.  Talked to Lizzie, [Elizabeth Daup Hughes] Win still sick at home, but better than she was yesterday.  I worked at and finished Edna's polka-dot dress ready to wash in the morning.

Saturday the 15th washed and ironed Edna's dress.  Made applesauce.  Esther called to say she was coming to go uptown with me.  Came at 10:10.  I got her a little percolator for her birthday present, and got myself some under hose, wool, at $.29 each.  Got groceries at Kroger's.  Edy called twice before noon, before she went downtown and after. Dorothy also called before noon to see about getting haircut, came about 1:30.  Tressa's girls here to call and give me check for piano.  Jess here in evening, till 8.  She and Win both called on phone.  AA called me about 9:30 to come down as she was very sick at her stomach and almost fainted, was blind and her bowels were running worse than never.  Used the wash basin and sink, I got her up to go to bed, but it took her a half-hour to get ready, she was so sick.  She has quieted down now at midnight, but has been running to the bath while I've been trying to get her to use the chamber by her bed.  She vomited almost continuously and such black stuff run from her I think she is very sick.  Called the girls at 11 and they had just gone to bed, but Mabel came down after the phone rang 14 times and I was about to hang up.  She said I should call the doctor and I thought it best and I will early in the morning if she's not a lot better.  I just now heard her moving and then a thump and she had fallen against the bed.  I've told her several times to call me if she wants to get up but she will not do it.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

October 2 to October 8, 1927

Sunday. Hot day. AA and I to SS   Rally day.  Home at 11:30 dinner & slept a little while, then to Audrey's.  Stopped at Herman's awhile on the porch.  Looped the loop.  Audrey has a very nice place.  Good supper, then down to Graces.  She not at all well.  Looked the front room over, nice room, but drawbacks.  Nicer here in some ways.  Audrey gave me a streetcar pass, so I waited at P. A. and Benton for 10 min. and rode to Main and 4th.  Met Jess at 4th and Walnut.  She was as surprised to see me or more so than I to see her at that late hour.  About 10.  She had been to see Mrs. Boales, who is sick with neuritis.  Feel worried about Grace.  She seems to feel so miserable.  Am also worried about a sore lump on my tongue.  We'll have to see a doctor. I guess.

Monday, October 3.  Made a lemon pie & took a piece to Jess.  Worked on Wins Jersey dress after a nap.  Edna here to try on her three dresses she left one day, those her sister-in-law sent her.  I to Jesse's at 11:30.  Ede called.  Cooler day.

Tues.  4.  Card from Anna from Mt. Lakes.  Worked all day on Edna's dress.  Ethel called at 5 to know if I'd meet her at 5;30 and go to supper with her, as she had given a dinner last night to 7 of her, friends and had so much left to eat up so I went.  We met Jess at Penney's at 8:00 to do the "Style Show" put on by the merchants.  Living models at Penney's & Maxwell's.  Home at 9:30.  Mary Golladay called from Lillie Clark's and will be here Friday.   Mrs. Ohl called about quilt blocks.  Mabel and Edna here this evening while I was away.

Wednesday.  Much cooler.  Went uptown to pay telephone & get thread for Edna's dress, to see Ethel, look over the new Grant $1.00, $.50 and $.25 store and to get groceries.  Win called that she'd be here for lunch, so went to Adams to get something to eat.  Finished Edna's dress and Bob's two pair of pants.  Sent a 4 cent letter to Anna G.  Had letter from Mrs. D Remer.  Kate Roethlisberger here to call about an hour.  I to Wadsworth's to an apron cutting out for a bazaar also to Laura Ferree's to get fancy apron Tressa sent in.  Mrs. Stambaugh, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Alwine (Walters) from Lorain, Miriam Shafer, Lona, Jess and I Mrs. Wads' served coffee and sandwiches.

Thursday, October 6, cool in a.m. Hot in p.m. did not get too bad and asleep till after 12.  Did not feel good, to much going lately, must stop it, as soon as I go some more.  Worked at darning Edna's blue coat dress, washed it and did not have time to press it.  Was sick after dinner & had to rest before going to missionary meeting.  Got there a little late.  Eleanor played a solo, which was very good, I came home before the program was over, as Eleanor had to leave to take her lesson and I had told her to come here for cream and cake at 5:30.  The program was rather prolonged, AA stayed, Hadley and Ede here to get his haircut.  First Edie has been here since she was sick.  Ed's and Esther got home about 1:30 today.  Esther got her nose nearly broken by bumping up in the backseat, but was nearly home when it happened.  Had a fine trip.  Called Mabel and she told me they were home, but she had not talked to them, so I left her to talk to Clingan's and talk to Esther, then did not get Clingan's called.  Lizzie called while Hadley's were here, but did not talk long on that account.  Talked to Jess.  She didn't stay for the program.  I joined the Home missionary society today.  Mrs. Burkholder proposed or handed in my name.  Two others joined the foreign, both Mrs. Smith's.  Wesley Boales and family came back from Michigan today where they have been trying for a job.

Friday, lay awake an hour or two in the night, then slept until nearly 9 and was awakened by the old cry "Are you going to sleep all day?"  Felt much better than I did yesterday.  Pressed Edna's dress, and it looked nice.  She came for it about 6 $2,  brought another one, so still have three to finish up.  Mary Golladay and Lillie Clark's here two or three hours.  Mary looks fine.  To Jesse's a little while after they left.  Bernice came just after I got there, and Jess was upstairs.  Talked to Anna and Lizzie.  Lulu Oswalt and mother, Angeline, here to spend evening.  I downstairs to spend it with them.

Saturday 8.  25 years this morning.  Since Will [Wilbert Goodsell Hughes] died and 131 years (1796) , Grandpa Palmer [Charles Sharp Palmer] was born.  Went uptown to deposit $25 so I could check out $36.62 for the Amoy - Pavonia Road.  Win to dinner, so had to hurry home.  Minnie McNaul to see AA.  Dorothy Jane here for sew-cline bobbin.  I made an aid apron.  Esther here in late p.m.  I to Jesse's, after going uptown with her to get the Plain Dealer and a part loaf of bread she had too much of.  Wrote to Ad.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sept. 25 - Oct. 1, 1927

Sunday.  To 1st M. E.  Quite warm again.  Walked home with Ethel, who came down to the Davis drugstore aunt and see Miss Williams, then with Jess and Mrs. Burkholder.  Wrote to Em Johnson and Bess.  Jess called to see where I was going to church.  A.  A. wanted to go to 1st M. E. so we went there.  Met Jess at P.O.  Good sermon.  "Scientific Approach to God.".  A lovely day.  No one here all day.  Talk to Grace & Lizzie.

Mon - warm day.  Worked on Wins rose slip.  Finished my voile and wore it uptown at five and stopped at Jesses on the way home and stayed till 7.  Uptown at 10:30 also to get things for dinner.  Card from Anna telling of their trip – had fine time.  Ethel also had letter from her mother.
Tuesday, September 27.  Up at 7:45.  Washed quite a line full in a.m. and ironed them in p.m.  Letter from Ad saying Taylors are moving to San Francisco, that Don is away and Jo at Fanny's for the school year and she and Ed are alone.  Dick will stay with them.  Called Florence.  She told me Ed wants George to buy the old farm and let him manage it.  Called Meda [probably Almeda Stober wife of Francis Arthur Hughes] and she said he wanted Arthur to look after the Mrs. Humbert place for him, so it looks as though they would like to come back to Ohio.  Mrs. Gugler here to invite me to her house to aid meeting tomorrow, but I told her I had decided to go to division E at Mrs. Fern Wises – talked to Ethel tonight.  She says Rena Caldwell called her to tell me that Libby had sent word to me from Wynonna that Sarah Gleason had died and left her home to Libby, but that Libby did not want to leave Wynonna.  Said it was to quiet in Bryan, I'll  write to Libby.

Wednesday rained all p.m.  A.A. to aid at Gugler's.  Canned some apples.  Intended to go to aid meeting at Mrs. Wises, but it began to rain afternoon and could not go so far, so debated whether to go to Gugler's or not.  Jess called to see if I would not go with her, and said she thought I'd better give up any little grudge and go and perhaps I should have done.  Not out of the house all day.  Finished Win's rose slip and fixed her velvet to wear myself.  Finished reading "The Cathedral".

Thursday 29.  Cleaned all upstairs.  Mabel and Edna came about 10:30.  Edna came up to see me.  Brot me some tomatoes.  Win to dinner.  Brot blue Jersey dress to be fixed, also black satin with nude Georgette upper part.  Must have new upper.  To Jesse's at 4:00 to fix dress for her, but she just got home from Dr. Ford and the dentist so did not want to bother with her dress.  Got 4 ripe tomatoes off my vines.  Rained nearly all p.m.  Charlie Eberts badly burned at gas meter house -- Pavonia.  Tressa here while I was away.  Was so sorry.  A.  A.  burnt her meat and filled the house with smoke and smell at 9:00 PM.

Friday.  Rainy in a.m.  Helped Jess peel peaches in a.m.  Charlie Eberts died last night at nine o'clock at hospital.  Poor boy!  Worked at Wins blue jersey dress, fixed voile sleeves.  AA up in my room and while here Dorothy came with the weeks mending and I was leaving again when AA went down. Dear knows how many people, and go away in that way.  Ought to have an electric doorbell.  Jess, Ede, Ethel, telephone man, and Eleanore Clingan called.  Laura F and Bernice tried to get me, and I called Lettie.  Mrs. Ohl , Lizzie and Win.  Edna here while I was gone riding with Bernice and Mary to Hayesville, Ashland, etc.  Fine p.m. for riding.  Ethel here when I got home & for supper, and took me to the majestic to a show.  I don't know the name.  2 shows or pictures and some local scenes.  Ethel alone and wanted me to go home with her.  Wish I had gone. 

Saturday, October 1,  letters from Marse and Freddie Walls yesterday.  Fine day but hot.  Rained in evening.  To Ethel's at 7:30.  Helped her with her cookies for Edna.  Washed up a lot of dishes and all the baking tools.  Swept the kitchen & front porch then took the cookies down to the store.  Ralph and Edna both as busy as could be.  Treated me to ice cream.  Came home at 10:30 and got dinner for Ethel and Win, but Win did not come as no one had come back from dinner at 12:30.  Slept a while and then did Mabel's patching nine pairs of hose, 2 sheets, one gown, one slip, one Bloomer, finished about 8.  Bernice to spend evening.  I to Jesse's for some pie & cherries she did not want, Mame there.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sept 18 - 24, 1927

Sunday to 1st ME at 10:30 with A.A.  Sat with Jess.  AA and I to Fred's [Charles Frederick Hughes] to dinner and supper.  Stopped at Christian Church for services 7:30.  I got bladder trouble and had to come home before sermon suffered something awful.  Went to Rosa's a while.  Dick there in afternoon.  Some cooler this evening.  Wrote to Ad. [Adeline Palmer Hughes Hagerman]

Monday – cooler – worked at Wins fur (Sib's old one).  Mended stockings – Mabel and Edna here in p.m. had been to "The Big Parade" at Madison theater – Mabel told me of Steve's salary and high living in New York City – Raised chill. Rosa here to spend evening, Esther going to Philadelphia with Ed and Anna [Clingan] who go to New Jersey.  Wednesday to Jessie's for some corn and tomatoes she brought from Horn's for me.  John Paul buried at Ashland.

Tuesday finished Ads letter and mailed it at Pavonia where I went with Laura Ferree in the afternoon.  To Esther's [Boals Hughes]in evening after wallpaper books.  She going at six tomorrow morning, Ethel going to stay alone with a couple in apartment upstairs Edna W. called in evening.

Wednesday, September 21 quite cold, frost in places.  Ed, Anna and Esther started at 6:00 on their big trip.  I worked on Win's fir [sic] piece and looked up paper for Pavonia kitchen and sent for it $.86 wrote to Mrs. DeRemer.  Canned one quart of apples.

Thursday the 22nd, Artie Carr's birthday - 63.  Still quite cool.  Fixed my blue cloth dress for Win to press.  Went to Jessie's at 11:00 for corn Horn's sent,  4 ears - She gave me enough cooked tomatoes she had left from canning for dinner.  Win does not care for corn.  Slept about 1/2 hr. and was miserable for it.  Worked on my black and white voile dress Anna G. [Golladay] gave me.  Went up to Ethel's office at 5.  Got so nervous that everything worried me.  Aunt Art's everlasting whistling and a fellow who works in the plumbing shop whistles nearly all the time.  It got on my nerves so I thought I'd get out a while.  Went to library and got two books.  "The Cathedral" and "American Pictures and Their Painters."   Warmer this evening, good long letter from Anna G. at last.  Such a sharp neuralgic pain in the left back of my head.  Big Tunney – Dempsey fight.  Tunney best.

Friday worked on voile dress – Win brought my blue cloth  - pressed.  To Ede's at to to fix her hat.  $.50.  Cut out Wins rose slip.  Ethel took me to see "The Big Parade" a fine picture – at new Madison.  To Jessie's a while at supper time.  She doctoring with Dr. Ada Ford.  Warmer.

Saturday the 24th a year ago today  I went to Lisbon, where I stayed until February 22.  This was a fine day.  I worked on the lack and white voile and almost finished it.  Em Johnson came to see me, but A. A. was at Adams and Em left her bag of grapes and pears with a card.  Was very sorry it happened.  Must write to her.  To Jessie's after supper.  We went window shopping for an hour.  Ross Glessner brought me home because A. A. did not expect me to stay out.  Then he took Jess out to Mame's.  Wish I did not have to come in so early.  Jess gave me some boiled beef because she is not allowed to eat it.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sept 11 - 17

Sunday 11 Sept.  Up at 8:00.  Bathed – A. A. and I to Congregational church at 1030.  Home until about 4:30 then Ed and Anna [Clingan] Fred and Lizzie [Daup Hughes] came to go to flying field.  They took Fred's home, then I went home with them to go to Christian church tonight.  Mabel and Edna and Esther came here to go with us.,  And Jess tried to get me over the 'phone to go with her.  It is either feast or famine.  Win fooled of going anywhere by Dick, who was mean.  I wish she'd get some good fellow who would use her white [sic]. Ed and Anna at Fred's for dinner.

Monday 12 Sent a letter to Em Johnson and a card to Maryjane Henry -- her birthday tomorrow.  Also Jesse's.  Worked at Mrs. Robbins' dress and she came to try it on at 7:00.  Also worked on voile Anna G gave me, black and white.  Poor Aunt Art getting so forgetful.  Fine day – bed at 11:00 – late.

Tues. 13.  Rained very hard in night and again at 5 PM.  A. A. and I to WCTU meeting at church.  Only a few there.  Made pies and took one to Jess for her birthday.  1st dance seems to be being held at Moose Hall.  A. A.  To bed before 8.  I'm ready for bed at 9:25.  Talked to Jess – Ede – Lizzie and Esther.  Paid telephone rent.  Very warm day.  Are having our summer time now.

Wed. Sept 14.  Washed a  3 weeks wash – very warm day – letter from Ad – Jo coming to Ohio State today to work for her Masters degree – Got out some summer dresses that I thought I'd need this year, as we are having our summer.  To Jesse's in evening a while.  When I came home Ethel was here.  She was mad at her mother for renting her bedroom, so the girl will have to come through their room to get to the bath.  She had a notion of staying all night and not let her mother know where she was.  It is too bad that Esther is so inconsiderate of Ethel's feelings, but she always was.  Wrote to aunt Ada Bachtel – called Pavonia Parsonage and found that Middleton's go to Fredericktown circuit with for places to preach, but only two sermons each Sunday – easier than Pavonia – live at Waterford – sorry they leave Pavonia – Marian Ward here to say goodbye to A. A.

Thursday – worked on Mrs. Robbins' dress and she came for it at 8 PM ironed in the afternoon & evening so could go to Mabel's tomorrow to do her patching.  Called Lula Kyle.  Very hot all day – Edna W.  Here while I was eating breakfast.  Dale here a little while in the P.M.

Friday 16  Went to Mabel's at 9:30.  Patched till 7:30 PM.  She to get her hair marcelled – gave two lessons and went to church to play to night at missionary convention.  Mrs. Webb applied for her position at the Christian church – very important.  Mrs. Norris canning all day for Mabel – Mr. Norris there to all P.M.  Ed and Anna  [Clingan] came and brought me home – very hot all day.

Saturday, September 17 hot all day.  Finished Mabel's mending and took it to her at the church at 7:15 went to Jesse's after the "Love's Embers" story and a loaf of bread.  She to Lois' to play cards all evening.  Meant to go after groceries, but decided I did not need any.  Jess gave me an ear of corn and some tomatoes wind called to ask me to go to dinner tomorrow.