Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sept. 25 - Oct. 1, 1927

Sunday.  To 1st M. E.  Quite warm again.  Walked home with Ethel, who came down to the Davis drugstore aunt and see Miss Williams, then with Jess and Mrs. Burkholder.  Wrote to Em Johnson and Bess.  Jess called to see where I was going to church.  A.  A. wanted to go to 1st M. E. so we went there.  Met Jess at P.O.  Good sermon.  "Scientific Approach to God.".  A lovely day.  No one here all day.  Talk to Grace & Lizzie.

Mon - warm day.  Worked on Wins rose slip.  Finished my voile and wore it uptown at five and stopped at Jesses on the way home and stayed till 7.  Uptown at 10:30 also to get things for dinner.  Card from Anna telling of their trip – had fine time.  Ethel also had letter from her mother.
Tuesday, September 27.  Up at 7:45.  Washed quite a line full in a.m. and ironed them in p.m.  Letter from Ad saying Taylors are moving to San Francisco, that Don is away and Jo at Fanny's for the school year and she and Ed are alone.  Dick will stay with them.  Called Florence.  She told me Ed wants George to buy the old farm and let him manage it.  Called Meda [probably Almeda Stober wife of Francis Arthur Hughes] and she said he wanted Arthur to look after the Mrs. Humbert place for him, so it looks as though they would like to come back to Ohio.  Mrs. Gugler here to invite me to her house to aid meeting tomorrow, but I told her I had decided to go to division E at Mrs. Fern Wises – talked to Ethel tonight.  She says Rena Caldwell called her to tell me that Libby had sent word to me from Wynonna that Sarah Gleason had died and left her home to Libby, but that Libby did not want to leave Wynonna.  Said it was to quiet in Bryan, I'll  write to Libby.

Wednesday rained all p.m.  A.A. to aid at Gugler's.  Canned some apples.  Intended to go to aid meeting at Mrs. Wises, but it began to rain afternoon and could not go so far, so debated whether to go to Gugler's or not.  Jess called to see if I would not go with her, and said she thought I'd better give up any little grudge and go and perhaps I should have done.  Not out of the house all day.  Finished Win's rose slip and fixed her velvet to wear myself.  Finished reading "The Cathedral".

Thursday 29.  Cleaned all upstairs.  Mabel and Edna came about 10:30.  Edna came up to see me.  Brot me some tomatoes.  Win to dinner.  Brot blue Jersey dress to be fixed, also black satin with nude Georgette upper part.  Must have new upper.  To Jesse's at 4:00 to fix dress for her, but she just got home from Dr. Ford and the dentist so did not want to bother with her dress.  Got 4 ripe tomatoes off my vines.  Rained nearly all p.m.  Charlie Eberts badly burned at gas meter house -- Pavonia.  Tressa here while I was away.  Was so sorry.  A.  A.  burnt her meat and filled the house with smoke and smell at 9:00 PM.

Friday.  Rainy in a.m.  Helped Jess peel peaches in a.m.  Charlie Eberts died last night at nine o'clock at hospital.  Poor boy!  Worked at Wins blue jersey dress, fixed voile sleeves.  AA up in my room and while here Dorothy came with the weeks mending and I was leaving again when AA went down. Dear knows how many people, and go away in that way.  Ought to have an electric doorbell.  Jess, Ede, Ethel, telephone man, and Eleanore Clingan called.  Laura F and Bernice tried to get me, and I called Lettie.  Mrs. Ohl , Lizzie and Win.  Edna here while I was gone riding with Bernice and Mary to Hayesville, Ashland, etc.  Fine p.m. for riding.  Ethel here when I got home & for supper, and took me to the majestic to a show.  I don't know the name.  2 shows or pictures and some local scenes.  Ethel alone and wanted me to go home with her.  Wish I had gone. 

Saturday, October 1,  letters from Marse and Freddie Walls yesterday.  Fine day but hot.  Rained in evening.  To Ethel's at 7:30.  Helped her with her cookies for Edna.  Washed up a lot of dishes and all the baking tools.  Swept the kitchen & front porch then took the cookies down to the store.  Ralph and Edna both as busy as could be.  Treated me to ice cream.  Came home at 10:30 and got dinner for Ethel and Win, but Win did not come as no one had come back from dinner at 12:30.  Slept a while and then did Mabel's patching nine pairs of hose, 2 sheets, one gown, one slip, one Bloomer, finished about 8.  Bernice to spend evening.  I to Jesse's for some pie & cherries she did not want, Mame there.

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