Sunday. Hot day. AA and I to SS Rally day. Home at 11:30 dinner & slept a little while, then to Audrey's. Stopped at Herman's awhile on the porch. Looped the loop. Audrey has a very nice place. Good supper, then down to Graces. She not at all well. Looked the front room over, nice room, but drawbacks. Nicer here in some ways. Audrey gave me a streetcar pass, so I waited at P. A. and Benton for 10 min. and rode to Main and 4th. Met Jess at 4th and Walnut. She was as surprised to see me or more so than I to see her at that late hour. About 10. She had been to see Mrs. Boales, who is sick with neuritis. Feel worried about Grace. She seems to feel so miserable. Am also worried about a sore lump on my tongue. We'll have to see a doctor. I guess.
Monday, October 3. Made a lemon pie & took a piece to Jess. Worked on Wins Jersey dress after a nap. Edna here to try on her three dresses she left one day, those her sister-in-law sent her. I to Jesse's at 11:30. Ede called. Cooler day.
Tues. 4. Card from Anna from Mt. Lakes. Worked all day on Edna's dress. Ethel called at 5 to know if I'd meet her at 5;30 and go to supper with her, as she had given a dinner last night to 7 of her, friends and had so much left to eat up so I went. We met Jess at Penney's at 8:00 to do the "Style Show" put on by the merchants. Living models at Penney's & Maxwell's. Home at 9:30. Mary Golladay called from Lillie Clark's and will be here Friday. Mrs. Ohl called about quilt blocks. Mabel and Edna here this evening while I was away.
Wednesday. Much cooler. Went uptown to pay telephone & get thread for Edna's dress, to see Ethel, look over the new Grant $1.00, $.50 and $.25 store and to get groceries. Win called that she'd be here for lunch, so went to Adams to get something to eat. Finished Edna's dress and Bob's two pair of pants. Sent a 4 cent letter to Anna G. Had letter from Mrs. D Remer. Kate Roethlisberger here to call about an hour. I to Wadsworth's to an apron cutting out for a bazaar also to Laura Ferree's to get fancy apron Tressa sent in. Mrs. Stambaugh, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Alwine (Walters) from Lorain, Miriam Shafer, Lona, Jess and I Mrs. Wads' served coffee and sandwiches.
Thursday, October 6, cool in a.m. Hot in p.m. did not get too bad and asleep till after 12. Did not feel good, to much going lately, must stop it, as soon as I go some more. Worked at darning Edna's blue coat dress, washed it and did not have time to press it. Was sick after dinner & had to rest before going to missionary meeting. Got there a little late. Eleanor played a solo, which was very good, I came home before the program was over, as Eleanor had to leave to take her lesson and I had told her to come here for cream and cake at 5:30. The program was rather prolonged, AA stayed, Hadley and Ede here to get his haircut. First Edie has been here since she was sick. Ed's and Esther got home about 1:30 today. Esther got her nose nearly broken by bumping up in the backseat, but was nearly home when it happened. Had a fine trip. Called Mabel and she told me they were home, but she had not talked to them, so I left her to talk to Clingan's and talk to Esther, then did not get Clingan's called. Lizzie called while Hadley's were here, but did not talk long on that account. Talked to Jess. She didn't stay for the program. I joined the Home missionary society today. Mrs. Burkholder proposed or handed in my name. Two others joined the foreign, both Mrs. Smith's. Wesley Boales and family came back from Michigan today where they have been trying for a job.
Friday, lay awake an hour or two in the night, then slept until nearly 9 and was awakened by the old cry "Are you going to sleep all day?" Felt much better than I did yesterday. Pressed Edna's dress, and it looked nice. She came for it about 6 $2, brought another one, so still have three to finish up. Mary Golladay and Lillie Clark's here two or three hours. Mary looks fine. To Jesse's a little while after they left. Bernice came just after I got there, and Jess was upstairs. Talked to Anna and Lizzie. Lulu Oswalt and mother, Angeline, here to spend evening. I downstairs to spend it with them.
Saturday 8. 25 years this morning. Since Will [Wilbert Goodsell Hughes] died and 131 years (1796) , Grandpa Palmer [Charles Sharp Palmer] was born. Went uptown to deposit $25 so I could check out $36.62 for the Amoy - Pavonia Road. Win to dinner, so had to hurry home. Minnie McNaul to see AA. Dorothy Jane here for sew-cline bobbin. I made an aid apron. Esther here in late p.m. I to Jesse's, after going uptown with her to get the Plain Dealer and a part loaf of bread she had too much of. Wrote to Ad.
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